Gibson feels that the shape is not good.
FENDER also has several good designs.
Gibson & Appphone and Gibson have little choice in the price you have been talking about for a long time. It seems that you know a lot about Epiphone, so I won't go into details. Basically, it is characterized by warm and thick timbre, but the neck is also thick (which is actually related to timbre), so even Jimmy Page of the famous Led zepplin has thinned his 59LP neck!
PRS's new Mira is the cheapest piano in PRS at present. Gibson SG series also has a similar design, personally recommended! Features: like Gibson (personal understanding), it feels better and lighter. Similarly, there is no crank system! The timbre is similar to Gibson's, belonging to warm and thick type. Buy this and a decent one!
LTD is a sub-brand of ESP, and there should be many choices, such as Kirk Hammett brand series. Its characteristics are: double shaking and cold timbre.