They asked me to design a poster for this activity.
They asked to design a model.
She exchanged the poster for his CD.
She left Oster, or rather left.
Key words:
They _ _; __; __; _ Mi Yuan _e or she refers to a person of unknown sex; _ Heir, everyone, everyone; _ ㄡㄡ Jun.
Ask _ _; __; __; _ _; _ instrument __ rudder _; _sk's
past participle
And the past tense.
Design _ _; _ season __ only __ Po account _; _ gu __ Good servant _; _ product paddle _; _ Basket urn and _; _ fly __ servant __ ping __ rudder _; _ poverty _; _ nursery
Poster _ Punishment _; _ 1_; _ mi
Decorative painting
; _ ⒉⒌ Na, the person who released the information.
How to read poster English posterposter Read French English /_p__st_(r)/, American English /_po_st_r/.
Poster; Poster; Huge decorative painting; A person who posts news (on an online message board).
Plural number: poster.
Memory skills: postal service +er table animals → mail delivery animals → postal horses.
N-COUNT large-scale advertisement; Poster; Poster.
A _ oster _ salary notice or picture that you stickona walloboard, often used for advertising.
Bilingual example:
1、The _ n _ introduction _ n _ interning _ f _ chool _ oster _ n _ he _ chool _ t _ chool。
Discussion on the admission of school posters.
2. They put forward a design scheme.
They asked me to design a poster for this activity.
3. He/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/she/he/he/she.
He is a typical representative of an incompetent government.
This is an unpleasant omen.
This poster is rude and insults the dignity of women.
5. She left Austell.
She traded the poster for his CD.
6. Washington _ looks _ like _ Oster _ oy _ or _ trength _ nd _ thleticism.
Washington seems to be a typical athlete.
He is wearing a shirt, billboard and sportswear.
His smiling face appeared on T-shirts, bulletin boards and posters.
We have been doing housework.
We have been making cakes and coloring posters.
She's with Alvin Rein Ostroy.
She had a relationship with the advertising spokesperson of Calvin Klein brand.
10、Each _ oster _ signed _ y _ he _ rtist。
Every poster has the artist's signature.
How do you say this poster in English? Poster; playbill
Poster for a performance, ball game, etc. ); Poster:
Put up posters, put up posters.