First of all, of course, it is necessary to copy a formal certificate as a temporary debugging certificate to modify it.
2. The command to modify the password of the keystore (keytool is a command-line tool with JDK):
keytool-storepasswd-keystore my . keystore
Where my.keystore is a copied certificate file. After execution, you will be prompted to enter the current password, new password and repeat the confirmation of the new password. This step requires changing the password to android.
3. Modify the alias of the keystore:
keytool-change alias-keystore my . keystore-alias my _ name-destalias androiddebugkey
In this step, my_name is the current alias in the certificate, and -destalias specifies the alias to change. According to the rules, change it to androiddebugkey! This command will prompt for the password of the keystore, and then enter the password of the current alias.
4. Modify the password of the alias:
Keytool-Keypasswd-keystoreMy. keystore-alias androiddebugkey
After this step, you will be prompted to enter keyst.