Can non-immediate relatives sign for hospital surgery? Hospital operations can be signed by non-immediate relatives, but generally if there are immediate relatives, they generally need to sign. From a legal point of view, the consent form for surgery and the consent for anesthesia The letter and power of attorney only need to be signed by the patient himself, but in practice, hospitals often require the patient himself and his close relatives to sign the consent form for surgery and anesthesia consent form. The main reason why the hospital does this is to avoid the risks that may be caused by the surgery and to prevent the trouble and disputes that unpredictable risks during the surgery may bring to the hospital and medical staff. The purpose of signing is that the hospital fulfills its obligation to inform the patient and inform the patient of the necessity, risks, and many other factors of the next medical measures, or surgery, etc. If the patient signs, it means that he agrees with the hospital's surgery. measures, and willingness to take risks. The hospital actually does this to avoid medical disputes to the greatest extent.
What is the validity of the surgical consent form? 1. The surgical consent form not only contains the patient’s consent, but also contains the doctor’s notification, and is a legal act by both parties. 2. Whether to perform surgery depends on the patient’s volition, and both parties have equal legal status. 3. Set up rights and obligations between doctors and patients. Rights and obligations of the doctor: The doctor has the right to perform surgery on the patient based on the consent form. At the same time, doctors also have the obligation to provide surgical treatment services. This kind of rights and obligations are actually the same, because performing medical acts on the patient's body is both a right and an obligation of the doctor. Patients’ rights and obligations: Once the patient signs and agrees, he or she has the right to receive surgical services, the obligation to provide the body for surgery, pay for the surgery, and bear the risks of the surgery. The rights and obligations set in the surgical consent form are invisible and implicit. Who bears the surgical risks cannot be directly derived from the surgical consent form, but it can be inferred from the terms. The doctor informed the patient that the surgery should be performed, but There are risks in surgery. If the patient agrees to the surgery, it means that he is willing to bear the risks by default. This is a self-evident statement.