According to foreign media reports, Chen Liang, a security researcher from keenLabs, demonstrated the work jailbreak for iOS12.10.3-iOS12.2 at influence 20 19, and it was a complete jailbreak, which constituted the PAC and APRR bypass. In addition, Liang also showed Cydia running on iPhone Max, as evidence that jailbreak is indeed effective.
Unlike Electra and Unc0ver jailbreak in iOS 12, KeenLabs probably won't release this vulnerability to the general public. Instead, the company may sell it to a third party or Apple itself, and collect rewards as in the past. KeenLabs shows various vulnerabilities that may have been used in the past for potential jailbreaks.
KeenLab's solution is almost the first loophole in the 12.2 version. KeenLab's automatic jailbreak scheme is very mature and only needs one-click operation.
Cydia package manager is obviously installed and fixed on the home screen, and then shows the application running, and everything is perfect.
Cydia runs on iPhone XS Max of iOS 12.2 and is displayed on influence 20 19. However, because the general public can't use it or will soon be unable to use it, you can now use Uncover or Chimera jailbreak to jailbreak iOS12-iOS12.10.2. Chimera jailbreak supports iPhone XS, XS Max and iPhone XR.
Unfortunately, for users who have updated their iOS devices to iOS 12. 1.3, it is no longer possible to use the jailbreak mentioned above to jailbreak their devices. This is because Apple has stopped signing IOs12.10.2 or earlier. From then on, you can't downgrade to the previous version.
At the same time, Apple is working hard to prepare for the next major iOS update for the iPhone. The company recently launched the fourth beta version of iOS 12.3. If all goes according to plan, the public version may be released at the end of this month.
Apple may also provide a preview version of iOS 13 at the WWDC Developers Conference next month.