1, Huawei is a security solution based on chip hardware. The programs of fingerprint encryption, storage and verification run in the physically isolated secure OS in the HiSilicon chip, and the programs in the Android environment cannot be directly accessed. Even after the phone is root, this part cannot be accessed and tampered with.
2. The mobile phone does not save the fingerprint image, only saves the extracted template information, and cannot restore the fingerprint image through the fingerprint template. All fingerprint template information is only encrypted by AES256 algorithm in the local mobile phone, and each chip has a unique key, which is written in a lump sum when the chip leaves the factory and cannot be read and modified from the outside. Fingerprint template data can only be written and deleted, but not read and modified, so it will not be uploaded to any server or read by any third-party program.
3. The fingerprint security program provides signature verification results to the outside world, and the whole process is protected by RSA 2048 signature, so it cannot be forged or tampered with.