2. We are the biggest winners in the world, and we say this is a fact. We read the world wrong and say it deceives us.
3. ilovewakegupandseepingtextmessagesonmyphone, I love reading the short message you sent me when I wake up.
The greatest happiness in life is to firmly believe that someone loves us-the happiest thing in life is to firmly believe that someone loves us.
5,betterbyfaryyoushouldforgettandsmilethanthathhousldrememberbesad。 It's better to forget with a smile than with sad memories.
6、trustslikeaneraser。 Itgetssmallerandsmaller after very master-trust is like an eraser. Every time you make a mistake, it gets smaller.
7. Sometimes you need to go back, otherwise you'll never know what you've lost-look back occasionally, otherwise you'll never know what you've lost.
Maybe you will forget today, but tomorrow will be a new day. Maybe you had a bad day today, but tomorrow will be a brand-new day!
10, donotsaygoodbyetonotgoodbye, see you later. Don't say goodbye to me, and don't see me after goodbye.
If yesterday was a memory, today I will lose my memory.
You were my most adventurous dream when I was a child.
13, I don't like it very much, but I want to leave you the best. I don't have much, but I'm willing to leave you the best.
14, break it up. If there is no room for sand, lift it.
15, missing the distance is always how they live. Missing _ distance is always so far away.
Crazy because of you. I'm crazy because of you.
17, CanyoufeelmyworldZxx A hug is enough to snuggle up to each other.