waitfor means: wait.
waitfor means: wait. waitfor synonym await wait. The pronunciation of waitfor is English [we_tf__]; American [we_tf__r].
1. Online explanation click here to view the details of waitfor
1. Waiting: In the previous chapter, we saw David looking up (waiton) to God; but in looking up and waiting ( There is still a significant difference between waitfor). Although generally speaking, the two are interchangeable. We "look to" the Lord through prayer, supplication, and asking for His will. We seek His intervention through patience and obedience. , come to "wait" on the Lord. Learn this kind of silence,
2. Wait, wait: usedtodosth. Used to |waitforwait, wait|wakeup wakeup
3. Wait: 10 .attheendof at the end of..., at the end of...|11.waitfor wait|12.intime
4.wait for someone: 34.getoff get off| 35.waitfor waiting for someone|36.showsb.round take someone to visit a certain place
2. Example sentences
They waited for the ferry to return.
They waited for the ferry to return.
We get tired of waiting for people who are late.
We are waiting for the first crop to mature.
He was then sitting on thorns and waiting for you.
He was on pins and needles, waiting anxiously for you.
3. Vocabulary matching
Time andtidewaitfornoman. Time waits for no one. ...waitforthewagon wait for a better time (wait...laywaitforlaywaitforwaitfordeadmen'sshoeswait for others to die in order to inherit the inheritance...waitforitwaitwaitupforstay up late and wait 4. Situational dialogue
Meal checkout
A: Are you through with your meal?
Have you finished eating?
B: Yes, weare. Could we have the check, please?
Have you finished eating? Please bring the bill.
A: Here is your check, 86 dollars in all. I can take care of it when you're ready.
If you want to pay the bill, I can help you. Take it to checkout.
B: Do you accept checks?
A: No, I'm sorry we don't. We accept credit cards and cash. >
Sorry, we don't accept it. We only accept credit cards and cash.
B: Well, I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put in credit.
I don't have cash. Checked out by credit card.
A: Thank you, I will be right back.
Thank you, I will be right back.
B: Oh, please wait for a minute. I want to go with the food left.< /p>
Please wait a moment.
A: I will bring someto-goboxesforyou.
I understand. You take a packing box.
B: Thank you.
Thank you.
At the post office.
A: Next, please! Hello, mayIhelpyou,sir?
Next, hello! What can I do for you, sir?
B: Yes,IwanttosendaregisteredairmaillettertoFrance.
Yes, I want to send a registered airmail to France.
A: O.K. That comestofourdollarswentycents.
Okay, the total is 4 dollars and 20 cents.
B: Here is five dollars.
Give you five dollars.
A: Hereisyourchange.Pleasewaitforyourreceiptoftheregisteredmail.
This is your change, please wait for your registered receipt.
Synonyms of waitfor
B: Ialsowanttopickupmypackage.Thisisthenotice.
I also want to pick up the package, this is the notice.
A: LetmeseeHmmJustaminute.Hereitis.Weneedyoursignatureonthisnote.
Let me take a look. Well, wait a minute, here you go, we need your signature on this note.
B: Oh, one more thing. Where can I mail this letter?
Oh, one more thing, where can I post this letter?
A: Dropitinthemailboxmarked“Outoftown”atthatcorner.
Drop it into the mailbox marked “Outoftown” at that corner.
waitfor online translation
B: Thankyouverymuch.
Thank you very much.
A: You’rewelcome.
I am very willing to serve you.
In the restaurant
A: Do you have a reservation, sir?
Have you made a reservation? Sir, madam?
What does waitfor mean?
B: No, Iamafraidwedon’t.
A: I’m sorry. It took about 30 minutes for a table to become available. Would you guys mind having a drink in the lounge until a table becomes available?
B: No, thanks.We’ll comebacklater.MayIreserveatablefortwo?
No, thank you. We'll come back later. Could you please reserve a table for two for us?
Synonyms of waitfor
A: Yes, ofcourse.MayIhaveyourname,sir?
Of course. What's your surname, sir?
B: Bruce.Bytheway.Canwehaveatablebythewindow?
Bruce. By the way, can we have a table near the window?
A: We’ll try to arrange it but I can’t guarantee it, sir.
We will try our best to arrange it, but there is no guarantee, sir.
B: That’s fine.
We get it.
A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way.
Your table is ready, sir, madam. Please go this way.
Related synonyms of waitfor
Related synonyms of waitfor
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