Haha, the details are as follows:
24-second timer: Responsibilities
The 24-second timer should be provided with a 24-second device and follow the following Requirements to operate this device:
11.1 Start or restart as soon as a player gains control of the live ball on the court. (Rule modification: The original "Control the Live Ball" is now changed to "Control the Live Ball")
11.2 Once the following situations occur, it will stop and reset to 24 seconds without displaying the image:
< p>·The referee blows the whistle for a foul, jump ball, or violation, except when a throw-in is awarded to the team that previously had control of the ball because the ball was out of bounds.·The shooting ball goes into the basket.
·The shooting ball touches the hoop.
·The game is stopped due to actions of the opposing team involving possession of the team.
11.3 Once the opponent gains control of the live ball on the court, reset to 24 seconds and start again.
If an opposing player only touches the ball and the same team still controls the ball, a new 24-second period does not begin.
11.4 When a throw-in is awarded to the same team that originally had control of the ball as a result of the following results:
The ball goes out of bounds.
·Both sides fouled together.
·The game is stopped for any reason caused by the controlling team.
11.5 In any quarter or decisive period, when a team gains control of the ball and the remaining time on the game clock is less than 24 seconds, it will stop and no longer operate, that is, no image will be displayed.
------Protects, modules or covers for the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows or forearms, made of leather, plastic, soft plastic, metal or any hard substance, Even if there is a soft bandage on the surface.
------Equipment that can cut or cause scratches (nails should be cut carefully).
------Tiaras, hair accessories and jewelry.
·The following items are allowed:
------Protective equipment for the shoulder, upper arm, thigh, or calf areas, if the material is wrapped, it will not cause other players to Injuried.
------Properly bandaged knee brace.
------Broken nose protector, even made of hard materials.
------Glasses that will not cause danger to other team members.
------The headband is 5 cm wide at most and made of solid-color cotton, soft plastic or rubber that will not cause scratches.
13.2.6 All equipment used by players must comply with basketball game requirements. Any equipment designed to increase a player's height or reach, or to gain unfair advantage in any other way, is not allowed.
13.2.7 Any other equipment not expressly mentioned in this article must first be approved by the FIBA ??World Technical Committee.
13.2.8 Teams must have at least two sets of vests, and:
·The team ranked first in the schedule (the home team) should wear a light-colored vest (preferably white) .
·The team ranked last in the schedule (the away team) should wear dark vests.
However, if the two teams involved in the match agree, they can swap the colors of their vests.
13.2.9 For major official FIBA ??competitions, all players on the same team shall wear:
·Shoes of the same color or combination of colors.
·Socks of the same color or the same composite color.
Article 14 Player: Injury
14.1 If a player is injured, the referee may stop the game.
14.2 If the ball is live when the injury occurs, the referee should not blow the whistle until the game is over, that is: the team in control of the ball has shot, lost control of the ball, stopped attacking with the ball, or the ball has become Dead ball.
However, the referee may interrupt the game immediately when necessary to protect an injured player.
14.3 Substitution of an injured player:
·If the injured player cannot continue playing immediately (approximately 15 seconds), or if he receives treatment, he must do so within 1 minute or as far as possible be replaced quickly.
·However, an injured player who has received treatment or recovered within 1 minute may remain in the game, but his team will be charged a time-out.
· Additionally, if the injured player cannot continue playing within 1 minute or his team does not have any remaining timeouts, he cannot remain in the game and must be substituted. Exception: The team has less than 5 players on the field.
14.4 If a free throw has been awarded to an injured player, it must be taken by his substitute. If the injured player is involved in a jump ball, his replacement shall perform the jump ball. A player who is a substitute for an injured player cannot be substituted until he has participated in the game until the next clock-running period of the game.
14.5 A player who has been designated by the coach to take the field at the start of the game may be substituted in the event of injury, provided the referee is satisfied that the injury is genuine. In this case, the opposing team also has the right to have a substitute if they wish to do so.
14.6 During the game, the referee should order any player who is bleeding or injured to leave the playing field and allow him to be replaced.
The player may not return to the court until the bleeding has stopped and the affected area or wound has been fully and safely bandaged.
Article 15 Captain: Responsibilities and Powers
15.1 A captain is a player who represents his team on the field. During the game, he can contact the referee for information. This must be done courteously and only when the ball has become dead and the game clock has stopped.
15.2 When the captain leaves the playing field for any justifiable reason, the coach shall inform the referee of the number of the player who will be the captain in his absence.
15.3 The captain can serve as a coach.
15.4 In all cases where the rules do not limit the jump ball player or free throw throw player, the team captain shall designate his team's jump ball player in a jump ball situation and his team's free throw throw player in a free throw throw situation. .
15.5 If a team protests the result of a game by signing in the box marked "Team Protest Captain's Signature" on the score sheet, the captain shall notify the referee immediately at the end of the game.
Article 16 Coaches: Responsibilities and Powers
16.1 The coach or assistant coach is the only representative of the team and may contact the scorer's desk personnel during the game to obtain statistics. . This must be done courteously and only when the ball has become dead and the game clock has stopped, and they must not interfere with the normal flow of play.
16.2 At least 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the game, each coach or his representative shall provide the names and corresponding numbers of the team members who are eligible to participate in the game, as well as the team captain. , the list of coaches and assistant coaches is given to the recorder.
16.3 At least 10 minutes before the game, the coaches of both teams should sign on the score sheet to confirm the names, corresponding numbers and coaches' names of their team members that have been filled in. At the same time, they should specify the five players who will start the game. The "A" team coach should provide this information first.
16.4 Late substitutes may take part in the game provided they are included in the list of eligible team members submitted to the scorer 20 minutes before the start of the game.
16.5 Only a coach or assistant coach may request a time-out to be registered.
16.6 A coach or assistant coach (but not both at the same time) is permitted to remain standing during a game. This also applies to the captain who replaces him for any valid reason.
16.7 When a coach or assistant coach requires a substitution, the substitute must report the substitution request to the scorer and must be immediately ready to play.
16.8 If there is an assistant coach, his name must be entered in the score sheet before the start of the game (he does not have to sign). If a coach is unable to continue working for any reason, he shall assume all the duties and powers of a coach.
16.9 If there is no coach, or if the coach is unable to continue working and no assistant coach is entered in the score sheet (or the latter is unable to continue working), the captain shall act as coach. If the captain must leave the field of play for any valid reason, he may continue to serve as coach. However, if he must leave after a disqualifying foul or if he is unable to coach due to injury, his substitute (as captain) shall take his place as coach.
Chapter 5 General Rules of the Game
Article 17 Game Time, Equality and Decisive Period
17.l The game shall consist of 4 quarters, each quarter is 10 minute.
17.2 There shall be a 2-minute rest period between the 1st and 2nd quarters, between the 3rd and 4th quarters and before each decisive period.
17.3 The half-time break shall be 15 minutes.
17.4 If the scores are tied at the end of the fourth quarter, a 5-minute extra period or more such 5-minute periods are required to break the tie.
17.5 In all overtime periods, teams shall continue play toward the same basket as in the 3rd and 4th quarters.
Article 18 Start of the Game
18.1 For all games, the team ranked first in the order book (the home team) shall have the right to choose the basket and team bench.
This choice should be communicated to the referee at least 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the game.
18.2 Before the 1st and 3rd quarters, teams have the right to conduct pregame preparations in the half of the court where their opponent's basket is located.
18.3 For the third quarter of the game, teams shall exchange baskets.
18.4 If a team has less than 5 players on the field ready to play, the game cannot start.
18.5 A jump ball is played in the center circle. The game officially begins when the ball is legally tapped by a jumper.
Article 19 State of the ball
The ball may be live or dead.
19.1 The ball becomes live when:
·In a jump ball, the ball is lawfully tapped by a jumping player.
·During a free throw, the referee places the ball when the free throw player can handle it.
·During a throw-in, the player who throws the ball in can handle the ball.
19.2 The ball becomes dead when:
Any field goal or free throw is made.
·The ball is live and the referee blows the whistle.
·When it is obvious that the ball will not enter the basket during a free throw, and that free throw is followed by:
--When another (multiple) free throws are made.
--In the event of further penalties (free throws and/or throw-ins).
·When the game clock signal sounds to end the game time of each quarter or decisive period.
·The ball is live and the device signal sounds in 24 seconds.
·When the ball flying during a field goal is touched by a player of either team after the following circumstances:
--The referee blows the whistle.
--The game time of each quarter or decisive period ends.
--The device signal has sounded in 24 seconds.
19.3 If the following circumstances occur, the ball will not be dead and will be scored if it is hit, when:
·The ball is flying, the referee blows the whistle or the game clock or 24 seconds When the device signal sounds.
·When the free throw ball is in flight and the referee blows the whistle for any rule violation other than the free throw player.
·An opponent's foul occurs while a player is shooting and still in control of the ball, and he completes the shooting sequence that was started before the foul occurred. (Rule modification: The original "foul committed by an opposing player" is now changed to "a foul committed by an opposing player")
Article 20 Positions of players and coaches
20.1 A player's position The position is determined by the ground he is touching.
When a player jumps into the air, he remains in the same position he held when he last touched the ground. This includes the boundary line, midline, 3-point line, free throw line and lines marking the free throw area.
20.2 A referee's position is determined in the same way as a player's position. When the ball touches the referee, it acts as if it touches the ground on which the referee is located.
Article 21 Jump Ball
21.1 Definition
21.1.1 In any circle on the court, when the referee throws a jump ball between any two opposing teams, The ball is thrown up between the players and a jump ball occurs.
21.1.2 When one or more players from each team holds the ball firmly with one or both hands so that no player can gain possession of the ball without rough movement. Scrimmage.
21.2 Regulations
21.2.1 At the beginning of a quarter or decisive period, a jump ball shall be held in the center circle between any two players of the opposing team.
21.2.2 When a scrum is called, or when a double foul is called and the result is a jump ball, it shall be in the nearest circle between the two players of the opposing team involved. Hold a jump ball.
If more than 2 players are involved in the scrum, the ball shall be jumped between two players of the opposing team at approximately the same height designated by the referee.
21.2.3 In any situation (other than Article 21.2.l or 21.2.2 above) (including when a live ball comes to rest on the basket stand), when play is restarted with a jump ball, the In the nearest circle, a jump ball is played between any two players from the opposing team.
Both players from the opposing team must be on the court when the situation resulting in a jump ball occurs.
21.2.4 When the nearest circle for the jump ball cannot be determined, the jump ball shall be held in the center circle.
21.3 Procedure
21.3.1 Each jumper shall stand with both feet within a semicircle adjacent to his team’s own basket, with one foot close to the edge of the circle. center line.
21.3.2 The referee shall then throw the ball upward (vertically) between the jumpers to a height greater than any jumper can reach.
21.3.3 After the ball reaches its highest point, it must be slapped with the hands of one or two jumpers.
21.3.4 No jumping player may leave his position until the ball has been legally tapped.
21.3.5 No jumping player may catch the ball or touch the ball more than twice before it is touched by a non-jumping player or touches the ground, basket or backboard.
21.3.6 No body part of a non-jumping player may be on or beyond the circle line (cylinder) until the ball has been legally tapped.
21.3.7 If the ball is not tapped by one or two jumpers, or if the ball touches the ground without being tapped by at least one jumper, the ball shall be re-jumped.
21.3.8 If an opponent's player requests to stand in one of the positions, members of the same team may not stand adjacent to each other around the circle.
21.3.9 If the designated jumper must leave the game due to injury, his fifth foul, or disqualification, his substitute shall jump the ball.
If there are no valid substitutes, any player designated by the captain shall jump the ball.
Violations of Clauses 21.3.l, 21.3.3, 21.3.4, 21.3.5 and 21.3.6 are violations.
Article 22 How to hit the ball
22.1 In basketball, the ball can only be hit with your hands.
22.2 It is an offense to run with the ball, intentionally kick or block the ball with any part of the leg, or punch the ball.
22.3 It is not a violation for the ball to accidentally contact a foot or leg, or for a foot or leg to accidentally touch the ball.
Article 23 Control of the Ball
23.1 Control of the ball for a player while a player is holding or dribbling or having access to a live ball.
23.2 When a player of a team controls a live ball or the ball is passed between members of the same team, the ball is controlled by the team.
23.3 The team continues to have control of the ball until an opposing player gains control of the ball, the ball becomes dead, or the ball leaves a player's hand during a field goal or free throw.
Article 24 A player is making a shooting motion
24.1 A player usually starts to move before the ball leaves his hand, and according to the referee's judgment, he throws, dunks or shoots the ball towards the opponent. The shooting action begins when the basket has begun a scoring attempt. The shooting action continues until the ball leaves the shooting player's hand.
A player trying to score may have his arm grabbed by an opponent, thereby preventing him from scoring, as long as he is considered by the referee to be making a scoring attempt. It is not essential that the ball leaves the player's hands in this situation. (Rule modification: The original "even if" is now changed to "as long as")
There is no connection between the legal number of running steps and the shooting action.
24.2 For an airborne shooting player, the shooting action continues until the attempt is completed (the ball leaves the player's hands) and the player's feet return to the ground.
However, team control of the ball ends when the ball has left the shooting player's hand.
24.3 A foul is considered to be committed against a player who is in the process of shooting. In the judgment of the referee, the foul must occur when the continuous movement of the player's arms and/and body has begun during the shot attempt. after.
Continuous motion:
·Starts when the ball comes to rest in a player's hand and the shooting motion (usually upward) has begun.
·Must include the player's arm and/or body movements during the shot attempt.
·If you do a new exercise, it ends.
If the criteria for continuous motion are as above, the player is considered to be in the act of shooting.
Article 25: The ball hits the basket and its scoring value
25.1 Definition
25.1.1 When a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in the basket A ball in or through the basket is a basket.
25.1.2 The ball is considered to be in the basket even if a very small part of the ball is in the hoop and is below the top level of the hoop.
25.2 Rules
25.2.1 When the ball enters the basket, the team that shoots the ball will score as follows:
A free throw will count as 1 point.
·A basket from the 2-point shooting area counts as 2 points.
·A basket from the 3-point shooting area counts as 3 points.
25.2.2 If a player accidentally puts the ball into his team's own basket, the score shall be recorded as if it had been scored by the opposing team's captain.
25.2.3 If a player intentionally throws the ball into the team's own basket, it is a violation and the basket will not count.
25.2.4 It is a violation if a player causes the ball to enter the basket from below.
Article 26 Throw-In
26.1 General Principles
26.1.1 Whenever the ball enters the basket and the field goal or free throw is invalid, the subsequent The throw-in shall be taken at the extended portion of the free throw line.
26.l.2 After a free throw resulting from a technical, unsportsmanlike, or disqualifying foul, the subsequent throw-in shall be administered at midcourt opposite the scorer's table, regardless of the final of or only free throws were successful.
The player performing the throw-in at midfield shall straddle the extended portion of the center line with both feet and shall have the right to pass the ball to a player located anywhere on the field.
26.1.3 After a personal foul is committed by a member of the team in control of the live ball or a member of the team with the right to throw-in, the subsequent throw-in shall be taken by the non-offending team from the nearest side of the violation. Location execution.
26.1.4 The referee may throw or bounce the ball to the player taking the throw-in as long as:
·The referee is no more than 3 meters away from the player taking the throw-in. or 4 meters.
·The player taking the throw-in is in the correct spot designated by the referee.
·The team that is about to gain possession of the ball does not gain undue advantage.
26.2 After a successful field goal or the last free throw:
26.2.1 An opposing player of the scoring team shall throw-in at the end line where the basket was scored.
This also applies after a timeout after a basket or any interruption of play, after the referee has handed the ball to a player or placed it at his disposal.
26.2.2 The player taking the throw-in may move laterally and/or backward and/or may pass the ball to a teammate standing on or behind the end line, however, when the third player out of bounds When a player can handle the ball, the 5-second count begins.
26.2.3 After the ball has passed through the basket, an opponent of the player taking the throw-in shall not touch the ball. Accidental or instinctive touching of the ball is excused, but if after the initial warning , the throw-in was delayed due to ball interference, which is a technical foul.
26.3 After a violation or any other interruption of play:
26.3.1 The player shall take the throw-in at the nearest point designated by the referee for the violation or interruption of play, directly on the backboard. Except for later locations.
26.3.2 The referee must hand the ball to, pass to, or place within the reach of the player taking the throw-in.
26.4 Rules
26.4.1 A player taking a throw-in shall not:
Touch the ball on the court before it has been touched by another player.
·Enter the court before or as the ball leaves your hand.
·The ball leaves the hand for more than 5 seconds.
·When the ball leaves the hand, the ball touches the outside of the bounds before it touches the inbounds players.
·Push the ball directly into the basket.
·The ball moves laterally more than 1 meter or in more than one direction from the point designated by the referee before or when it leaves the hand. However, it is possible to set back as far as the vertical boundary line permits, as circumstances permit.
26.4.2 No other player shall:
· Move any part of the body beyond the boundary line before the ball has been thrown over the boundary line.
·When the area outside the boundary line where the throw-in is located is less than 2 meters away from the obstacle, the player approaching the throw-in is within 1 meter.
A breach of Article 26.4 is a violation.
26.5 Penalties
The ball is awarded to an opponent for a throw-in at the spot where the throw-in was originally made.
Article 27 Time-outs to be registered
27.1 Definition
A time-out to be registered is a request by a coach or assistant coach of a team to interrupt the game.
27.2 Regulations
27.2.1 Each time-out to be registered shall last 1 minute.
27.2.2 A time-out begins when:
·The ball becomes dead and the game clock stops, and when the referee reports a foul or violation and has ended contact with the scorer's table hour.
·A team has requested a timeout to be registered before or after the opponent's shot, and the other team scores a shot.
27.2.3 A timeout opportunity ends when:
·The referee enters the circle with the ball to perform a jump ball.
·When the referee enters the penalty area with or without the ball to perform the first or only free throw.
·When the player taking the throw-in can handle the ball.
27.2.4 Each team may be granted 1 registered timeout in each of the first 3 quarters, 2 registered timeouts in the 4th quarter, and 1 registered timeout in each overtime period. Suspension of registration.
27.2.5 Except for a timeout granted after an opposing player scores a field goal and no foul is called, a timeout shall be registered for the team of the coach who first requested the timeout.
27.2.6 A time-out to be registered may only be revoked before the scorer signals a request for the time-out.
27.2.7 During a timeout, players may leave the playing field and sit in their team benches. Personnel permitted in the team bench may enter the court as long as they remain in their team bench. nearby.
27.3 Procedure
27.3.1 The coach or assistant coach has the right to request a time-out to be registered. He shall go to the scorer in person and clearly request a time-out, making appropriate conventional gestures with his hands.
27.3.2 Once a time-out opportunity has begun, the scorer shall indicate to the referee by giving his signal that a time-out request has been registered.
If a team has requested a timeout to be registered, the timekeeper shall immediately stop the game clock and sound his signal when the opposing team scores a field goal.
27.3.3 The timeout starts when the referee blows the whistle and gives the timeout signal.
27.3.4 The timeout ends when the referee blows his whistle and signals the team to return to the court.
27.4 Restrictions
27.4.1 No time-out shall be registered after or between free throws or free throws resulting from a foul penalty until a game clock has expired Run the fragment until the ball becomes dead again.
·A foul is called between free throws. In this case, multiple free throws shall be completed and a timeout shall be granted before the next foul penalty is administered.
·After the last or only free throw, a foul is called before the ball becomes live. In this case, a timeout will be granted upon execution of the new foul penalty.
·After the last or only free throw, a violation is called before the ball becomes live, and the penalty is a jump ball or throw-in.
If more than one foul penalty results in multiple free throw units, each unit will be processed separately.
27.4.2 During the last 2 minutes of the fourth quarter or any extra period, when the game clock stops after a successful field goal, the scoring team shall not be entitled to a registered timeout.
27.4.3 Unused timeouts cannot be carried into the next quarter or the final period.
Article 28 Substitutions
28.1 Regulations
28.l.l A team may substitute a player during the substitution opportunity period.
28.1.2 A substitution opportunity begins when:
·The ball becomes dead and the game clock is stopped, and when the referee reports a foul or violation and has ended contact with the scorer's table hour.
·When a team has requested a substitution within the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter or any decisive period and the other team scores a field goal.
A substitution opportunity ends when:
·The referee enters the circle with the ball to perform a jump ball.
·When the referee enters the penalty area with or without the ball to perform the first or only free throw.
·When the player taking the throw-in can handle the ball.
28.1.3 Players who have been substituted and substitutes who have become players cannot re-enter or leave the game respectively until the ball becomes dead again after a clock-running segment of the game has occurred.
·A team has been reduced to less than 5 players.
·The player involved in correcting the error has been legally replaced and is seated on the team bench.
28.2 Procedure
28.2.1 A substitute has the right to request a substitution. He shall go to the scorer in person and clearly request the substitution, making appropriate conventional gestures with his hands. He shall sit on the bench (bench/chair) until the opportunity for substitution begins.
28.2.2 Once the opportunity for substitution has begun, the scorer shall indicate to the referee by giving his signal that a substitution has been requested.
28.2.3 The substitute shall remain outside the boundary until the referee gives the substitution signal.
28.2.4 A substituted player does not have to report to the referee or scorer. He was allowed to go directly to his team bench.
28.2.5 Replacements should be completed as quickly as possible. A player who has committed his 5th foul or has been disqualified must be replaced within 30 seconds. At the discretion of the referee, if there is an unreasonable delay, a time-out shall be registered to the offending team.
28.2.6 If a substitution is requested during a time-out to be registered, the substitute must report to the scorer before entering the game.
28.2.7 A substitution may only be revoked before the recorder signals a request for the substitution.
28.3 No substitutions allowed:
28.3.1 A team that does not have the ball in possession after a violation.
·The team taking the throw-in has made a substitution.
·A foul is registered against either team.
·A timeout is granted to either team.
·The referee has interrupted the game.
28.3.2 After or between a free throw or free throws resulting from a foul penalty, the ball becomes dead again after a running clock segment of the game has occurred.
·A foul is called between free throws. In this case, multiple free throws shall be completed and replaced before the next foul penalty is administered.
·After the last or only free throw, a foul is called before the ball becomes live. In this case, the player is substituted before the new foul penalty is imposed.
·After the last or only free throw, a violation is called before the ball becomes live, and the penalty is a jump ball or throw-in.
If more than one foul penalty results in multiple free throw units, each unit will be processed separately.
28.3.3 For players involved in jumping balls or free throws.
·He is injured.
·He has committed his 5th foul.
·He has been disqualified.
28.3.4 A team has requested a substitution within the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter or any extra period when the game clock stops after that team scores a field goal.
·During a timeout to be registered.
·The opposing team that scored the basket has also requested a substitution.
·The referee has interrupted the game.
28.4 Substitution of Players on Free Throws
A player attempting a free throw may be substituted as long as:
At the end of the first or only free throw substitution opportunity Substitution requested previously.
·If more than one foul penalty results in multiple free throw units, each unit will be handled separately.
·The ball becomes dead after the last or only free throw.
If the free throw shooter is substituted, the opposing team may also receive a substitution as long as the request is made before the last or only free throw becomes live.
Article 29 When a quarter or a game ends
29.1 When the game clock signal indicating the end of the game time sounds, a quarter, a decisive period or a game should end.
29.2 If a foul occurs when or immediately before the game clock signal indicates the end of any quarter or extra period, any final free throws taken as a result of that foul shall be taken.
Article 30: The game is lost due to forfeit
30.1 Rules
The team shall lose the game due to forfeit, if
·In the home team The referee refused to play after being notified.
·Its behavior prevents the continuation of the game.
·Fifteen minutes after the scheduled start of the game, the team is not present or cannot have 5 players on the field to prepare for the game.
30.2 Penalties
30.2.1 The opponent team is awarded the victory and the score is 20:0. In addition, the team that forfeits shall receive 0 points in the rankings.
30.2.2 For a group of games where the total score of two games (home and away) determines the winner and playoffs (where the winner is determined by three games), in the first, second and third games A team that forfeits in a game shall be deemed to have lost the game or playoff due to "forfeit". This does not apply to the playoffs (where a winner is decided in five games).
Article 31 The game is lost due to lack of players
31.1 Regulations
During the game, if the team has less than 2 players on the court, the team shall be The team should lose the game due to lack of players.
31.2 Penalties
31.2.1 If the winning team is awarded the lead, the score at the time the game is stopped shall stand. If the winning team is not awarded the lead, the score shall be recorded as 2:0 and that team shall be the winner. In addition, teams with missing players shall be awarded 1 point in the rankings.
31.2.2 For a group of games in which the total score of two games (home and away) determines the outcome, the team that lacks players in the first or second game shall be deemed to have lost the game. Missing players "failed."
Let me go 2005-12-06 13:49
When any part of a player's body touches the ground or any object other than a player on, above or outside the boundary line. , that is, the player goes out of bounds.
33.1.2 The ball is out of bounds when it touches:
A player or any other person who is out of bounds.
·The ground or any object on, above or outside the boundary line.
·The backboard support, the back of the backboard, or any object above and/or behind the backboard.
33.2 Rules
33.2.1 Before the ball goes out of bounds, or even when the ball touches an object other than a player and goes out of bounds, the last player who touches or is touched by the ball causes the ball to go out of bounds. team members.
33.2.2 If the ball goes out of bounds because it touches or is touched by a player on or outside the boundary line, that player causes the ball to go out of bounds.
Article 34 Dribbling
34.1 Definition
34.1.1 When a player who has gained control of a live ball on the court throws, shoots, rolls or The dribble begins when the ball is on the ground and touches the ball again before it touches another player.
The dribble ends when a player touches the ball with both hands at the same time or allows the ball to stay in one or both hands.
The ball may be thrown into the air while dribbling as long as the player touches the ground before touching the ball again with his hands.
When the ball is not in contact with a player's hands, there is no limit to the number of steps a player can take.
34.1.2 A player who accidentally loses the ball and then regains control of the live ball on the court is considered to have missed the ball.
34.1.3 The following situations are not dribbling:
·Continuous shooting.
·Missing the ball at the beginning or end of a dribble.
·Bounce the ball from the vicinity of other players in an attempt to gain control of the ball.
·Slap the ball controlled by other players.
·Intercept the pass and get the ball.
·As long as a dribbling violation does not occur, the ball is thrown between the hands and allowed to remain in the hands before it touches the ground.
Rule 34.2
A player may not dribble again after his first dribble, unless he has lost control of the live ball on the court due to:
·Shoot the ball.
· Touched by an opponent's player.
·Pass or miss and then touch or be touched by another player.
Article 35 Carrying the ball
35.1 Definition
35.1.1 When a player is holding a live ball on the court and one or both of his or her feet exceeds This rule limits illegal movement in either direction to taking the ball.
35.1.2 A player who is holding a live ball on the court steps one or more times in either direction with the same foot, while his other foot (called the pivot foot) keeps it in contact with the ball. The point of contact with the ground is rotation.
35.2 Regulations
35.2.1 Establishing the Pivot Foot
·A player who catches the ball with both feet on the ground may use either foot as the pivot foot. The moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot.
·A player who catches the ball while moving or dribbling may stop as follows:
------If one foot is touching the ground:
□ Once the other foot touches the ground, the original foot becomes the pivot foot.
□ If a player can jump on that foot and land on both feet at the same time, then neither foot is the pivot foot.
------If both feet are off the ground and the player:
□Both feet land on the ground at the same time, either foot can be the pivot foot. The moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot.
□ If both feet land on the ground one after another, the foot that touches the ground first is the pivot foot.
□One kick landed, team