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Pleasant goat won the running championship. In recognition of Pleasant Goat, the village chief decided to take the goat for a spring outing. All female students should go with Pleasant Goat, especially Beautiful Goat. This makes boiling sheep very jealous. Just like boiling sheep broke the signature photo of Meiyangyang and was punished by the village chief for sweeping the playground and not allowed to go out for an outing. Boiling sheep and lazy sheep who peeped at Pleasant Goat's paper and were punished by the village chief for sweeping the playground secretly told Grey Wolf where Pleasant Goat would go for a spring outing tomorrow. As a result, because of the suspicion of Big Wolf, Boiling Sheep and Lazy Sheep were caught by Big Wolf. Pleasant goat felt it in time and rescued them. But Pleasant Goat himself was caught by Big Big Wolf. Boiling sheep, lazy sheep and pleasant sheep joined forces to defeat Big Big Wolf. Back in Yangcun, we all know that Pleasant Goat has saved the sheep, but we have neglected Boiling Sheep and Lazy Sheep. Boiling sheep and lazy sheep hate pleasant goat again! ! !