How to surprise your girlfriend
How to surprise your girlfriend. Properly creating surprises for your girlfriend when you are getting along as a couple is a good way to enhance the relationship between the two parties. The following article details how to surprise your girlfriend. I hope it will be helpful to women who want to know how to surprise their girlfriend. Ways to surprise your girlfriend 1
Write a love letter.
Handwritten love letters are the same as emails and text messages, but are more emotional and express a lasting romance. Even if writing a love letter feels a little weird or silly to you, your girlfriend will probably enjoy it, especially if you're not usually very good at expressing your feelings. If you wear a specific type of cologne, spray a little on the paper before you send the letter.
Place loving notes all over her place.
If you live with your girlfriend, have a spare key, or can ask her roommates or family members for keys to her room, you can cover her place with love notes. Put one on the bathroom mirror, her closet, dresser, door, anywhere you know your girlfriend will see it in her daily life. These notes don’t need to say anything profound. Simple words like "I love you" and "Always thinking of you" are enough to show that you care about her.
Buy a classic romantic gift.
Try a box of chocolates, a teddy bear, jewelry, roses, or a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Choose a gift you can afford, but make sure she'll enjoy it. For example, if your girlfriend is allergic to roses, you should probably choose something else. If done too often, these gifts may start to look boring. When used as an occasional surprise, they express more of your romantic feelings for her.
Give her a tailor-made gift.
If you want something more personalized, you can choose gifts that target your girlfriend's interests rather than traditional romantic gifts. Buy her a signed copy of her favorite book, the latest album from her favorite band, or tickets to a show she wants to see. These gifts will show your girlfriend that you know her well and know what she likes, and they will be practical.
Cook a meal.
Small gestures can also be romantic, like cooking, especially if she's the one who cooks a lot. If you're confident in your ability to cook, go for the luxury. Otherwise, try making a simple meal like pasta. You can make breakfast, lunch or dinner, it doesn't need to be fancy, but you should show the right amount of effort.
If you're nervous about cooking for yourself, surprise her by offering to cook a meal together. The two of you can have a very happy relationship together, and the gesture will still be very romantic. Ways to Surprise Your Girlfriend 2
Surprise her with lunch.
Show up to her place of work and bring a lunch from her favorite restaurant or fast food joint. Homemade sandwiches, meatloaf, or salads are also great options. If showing up at her place of work isn't an option, you could also make a picnic lunch on an occasional weekend and take her to a park to eat it.
Take her to a nice restaurant.
This restaurant can be a new restaurant with many good reviews, or it can be a favorite restaurant that you rarely go to. Before going, make sure your girlfriend knows what to wear to suit the restaurant's dress code or atmosphere. Second, if you're picking a new restaurant, pick one that your girlfriend has expressed she'd like to go to or at least one that serves a type of food that your girlfriend really likes.
Tell her that your world revolves around her.
Plan a whole day to relax and spend time with her.
Prepare her meals, do her laundry, and offer to do things for her, like giving her a massage or preparing a bubble bath. You can put this day on a weekend, or it can be during the week. If you know her job has been stressful lately, it would be especially considerate to find a time during the week when she can enjoy a back massage or a girly movie after a long day at work.