How to Enable TCP MD5 Signature on CentOS
First of all, you should know that Nux Dextop designed and stored in EPEL warehouse. Therefore, you need to enable EPEL before using the Nux Dexyop repository. After EPEL is enabled, use the following command to install the Nux Dextop warehouse. It's at Sentos /RHEL 6. *: $ sudo rpm -Uvhhttp。 // _ 64/nux-dextop-release-0-2.el6.nux.norch.rpm is on CentOS/RHEL 7: $ sudo rpm -Uvhhttp. // _ 64/nux-dextop-release-0-1 .el7.nux.noarch.rpm Now verify whether the Nux DextopWarehouse has been successfully installed: $ yum Repo List for repo forge/rpm Forge According to the author's understanding, Nux Dextop will conflict with other third-party libraries such as Repo Forge and ATrpms. Therefore, if you enable third-party libraries other than EPEL, it is strongly recommended that you set Nux DextopStore to "Default Off". Just use a text editor to open/etc/yum.repos.d/nux-dextop.reposo, and change "enabled= 1" under nux-desktop to "enabled=0". $ sudovi/etc/yum.repos.d/nux-dextopRepo Whenever you install a software package from nux dextoprepository, please explicitly use the following command to enable the repository. $ sudo yum-enable repo = nux-dex top install & lt; Package name & gt