Compared with xz, zstd trades compression ratio for high performance. Calling zstd recompression software package with our compression parameters leads to an increase of 0.8% in the overall package size, and the overall decompression time of these packages is 0. 1.300% faster.
There are more than 545 zstd compressed packages in our software source code, and more will be added as we release updated packages. So far, we haven't found any problems visible to users, so we think everything is going well.
If you are a packager, if you are using the latest devtools (>; = 20 19 1227) and then you will automatically start packaging the new pkg.tar.zst package.
If you are an end user, there is no manual operation, as long as you read and follow the advice in last year's news.
If you haven't upgraded libarchive since 20 18, there is still hope to save your system! Eli Schwartz's personal source code provides a packaged pacman-static binary package, which can be signed with his trusted user key to complete the system upgrade.
Note: In addition to Eli Schwartz's personal source code, the [archlinuxcn] community source code also provides a binary package of pacman-static, signed by Lilac. Welcome to use.