Wang Xizhi loved calligraphy since childhood and was enlightened by his father Wang Kuang and his uncle Wang Biao. He was a good book at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, he stole the pen theory of the previous generation from his father's pillow. Wang Kuang does good deeds and writes official books. Wang Xizhi was deeply influenced by the Wangs in calligraphy since he was a child.
Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Collection of Lanting is highly praised by calligraphers of all ages and is known as "the best running script in the world". Wang Jian is good at following the laws of Li, Cao, Kai and Xing, carefully studying the shape, imitating the shape with his heart, learning from others' strengths, preparing everything in one furnace, getting rid of the style of writing in Han and Wei Dynasties, and becoming a family of his own, which has far-reaching influence. His calligraphy is peaceful and natural, and his brushwork is euphemistic and subtle.
Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has influenced bookstores from generation to generation. Ou Yangxun, Yu Shinan, Zhu Suiliang, Xue Qi, Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan in the Tang Dynasty, Yang Ningshi in the Five Dynasties, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fei and Cai Xiang in the Song Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu in the Yuan Dynasty and Dong Qichang in the Ming Dynasty were all impressed by Wang Xizhi, so they enjoyed the reputation of "book saints".
Wang Xizhi's original works existed before the world, and the fine copy of Tang people has always been regarded as original works. Because of its long history and long-standing reputation, Rainbow Xi's other inks have different inferences about its engraving age. Some are called Song Copy, some are suspected to be Mi Fei Copy, and more are classified as Tang Copy. It has been recorded a lot and carved into various essays again and again. The public and private collections and circulation after the Yuan Dynasty are vivid and reliable, and their preciousness is self-evident.
Baidu encyclopedia-Wang Xizhi