1. The summons is issued by the people's court, which is usually applicable to summoning the parties, and should be directly served on the summoned person in advance according to law. If the summoned person is a citizen, he is not prepared to give it to his adult family for signature; If the person summoned is a legal person or other organization, it shall be signed by the legal representative of the legal person, the principal responsible person of other organizations or the responsible person of the legal person or organization; If the summoned person has an agent ad litem, he may send it to his agent for signature; If the summoned person specifies the income to the people's court, he shall send someone to explain the income and sign for it. 2. If the summoned person or his adult family members who live together refuse to accept the summons, the addressee shall invite the representatives of the relevant grass-roots organizations or units to be present to explain the situation, and record the reasons and date of refusal on the service receipt, which shall be deemed to have been served if it is signed or sealed by the addressee and witness. To sum up, the court should decide whether to file a case within one week after receiving the plaintiff's complaint. If the case is confirmed, a summons will be issued to the defendant within five days to inform him to appear in court. How long it takes to issue a summons after prosecution depends on the efficiency of the court. In principle, it should not exceed 12 days. The court will serve a summons on the defendant and his relatives by mail or by hand. If the defendant cannot be contacted, it can also be served by announcement.
Legal objectivity:
Article 109 of the Civil Procedure Law: The people's court may summon the defendant to appear in court, but refuses to appear in court after two summonses without justifiable reasons. Article 144 If the defendant refuses to appear in court without justifiable reasons after being summoned by a summons, or withdraws from court without the permission of the court, he may make a judgment by default. Article 146 The court session may be postponed under any of the following circumstances: (1) The parties who must appear in court and other participants in the proceedings fail to appear in court without justifiable reasons; (2) The party concerned temporarily applies for withdrawal; (3) It is necessary to notify new witnesses to appear in court, obtain new evidence, re-authenticate, conduct an inquest or make supplementary investigations; (4) Other circumstances that should be postponed.