Book 5 Unit 65438 +0
Features /k? Richter? Risik/n. characteristics; characteristic
Radium /'reidi? radium (Ra)
Painter/'painter? /n. painter; painter
put forward proposals
Science /sai? scientific
Summary /k? d/ vt。 & The intransitive verb ends; suggestion
Conclusion /k? n'klu:? Not applicable. Conclusion; end
come to a conclusion
Analysis/'? n? laiz; vt。 analyse
Infection, contagion. Infection; infect
△ infection /in'fek? infectant
△ cholera /'k? l? r? cholera
Failure; Failure. Defeat; Overcome; Frustrate [fail]
Expert /'eksp? : t/adj. skilled; Rich experience or knowledge
Noun (short for noun) expert; expert
Attend/? Tendency; Tendency. Take care of; Nursing; Participate; join
Doctor /fi'zi? Doctor; internist
expose /ik'sp? Exposure; Expose; expose
Expose ... expose; expose
cure /kju? /n. cure; Cure; Cure. ; treat cordially
△ Outbreak/outbreak
(esp disease or war)
Challenge /'t? Linde? Challenge; Challenge. challenge ...
The victim.
Absorb/? BZ? :b/ vt。 Absorption; Attraction; Focus (attention)
Suspect? Spect/vt。 doubt
/'s? Spect/n. doubt; doubt
Asking/In Kwai? Ri/n
Neib the neighbor? Near hud/n; nearby
Severe /si'vi? /serious; Intense; strict
△ clue/klu:/adj. clue; point out
Pump /p? Mp/n. pump; pump
Water pump (water)
△ Cambridge/'keimbridt? /Street Cambridge Street
Foresee /f? :' si:/ vt。 (foresee, foresee)
Foresee; predict
△ investigation /in'vestiɡeit/ vt. & investigate
△ investigation/investi 'ei? survey
Blame; Blame. Blame; condemn
Fault; reproach
Pollution /p? Lu: t/ vt Pollution; flaw
handle /'h? Ndl/n. handle; Handle. ; operate
△ germ /d? : microorganisms; gemmule
Link/Li? k/ vt。 & connect; get in touch with
Link … to … Link or connect … to …
Announce/? Nauns/ vt。 Announce; notification
△ certainty/? :tnti/n. true
Instruction/in' str? Kt/ vt。 Command; Instruction; teach
△ responsible /ri'sp? ns? Bill of lading/liability for adjustment; reliable
construct /k? Isn't it? Kt/ vt。 Architecture; build
Construction /k? Isn't it? k? N/n. architecture building
Submission /k? t/ vt。 & intransitive verb donation; Contribution; donate
Except; Except; besides
Fireworks/'glow? W? : Fireworks (setting off)
Chart /t? ι: t/n。
△creative/kri:' EIT iv/adj . creative; Creative; the original
△ cooperative /k? What about you? p? r? Tiv/adj cooperative
Positive /'p? z? Tiv/adj definitely; certain
Be strict with ... Be strict with ... ...
△ revolution /rev? Lu:? n? Revolutionary; significant change
Sports /'mu:vm? Nt/n. exercise; behaviour
Makes sense, makes sense; make sense
Back /'b? kw? D/adv. and amp. Fall behind; Conversely; Backward (backward)
△ loop/Lu: p/n/n. cycle; ring
△ privately/'pravitli/adv. privately; secretly
Rotate/rotate/vi. & The transitive verb (rotate, rotate) (make) rotate;
To spin (thread or yarn).
△ brightness/'brainis/n. bright; Brightness; smart
Enthusiasm /inθju:zi'? Passionate; Enthusiastic
Caution /'k? :? Be careful; cautious
Reject/reject? Ekt/ vt。 Refuse; Do not accept; give up
Universe /'ju:niv? : s/n. the universe; world
Book 5 Unit 2
unite /ju:'nait/ vi。 & unite as one; unite
Kingdom/base? d? Kingdom of Morocco
Composition /k? /vi is not supported. Composition; Lies in; consistent
consist of ...
△ London Heathrow/'Hi: θr? London Heathrow airport
Province /'pr? Yi Zheng/North Province; Administrative area
△ Avon River /'eiv? Avon R.
△ Thames/'Tanz/Thames
△ Severn River /'sev? severn, river
△ Wales/Wilds/Wales (UK)
△ Scotland /'sk? tl? Nd/ Scotland (UK)
△ Northern Ireland/'Ai? l? Nd/ Northern Ireland (UK)
Clarify /'kl? Rifai/ vt。 Clarify; clarify
Done/? k? mpli? /vt。 Complete; Reach implementation
Conflict /'k? Contradictions; conflict
Unwilling/? Will? Unwilling; unwilling
Get rid of (bondage); break away from
union /'ju:ni? N/n. alliance; Combination; society
△ British flag
Credit; Trust; Credits; Praise; loan
Bring honor to sb. Commendable; In the name of ...
Currency /'k? r? Nsi/n. currency; money
Agency /instit ju:? N/ n system; Mechanism; Public institutions
△edju/edju:‘kei? Nl/adj education
Convenient /k? What about you? Convenience; convenient
Rough /r? Rough; Rough; Rude
Roughly /'r roughly
△Midlands /'midl? Ndz/ Middle England (UK)
National /nei? National; Nationwide.
Attract/? tr? Kt/ vt。 Attraction; Attract sb's attention
△ history /his't? Rick. L/adj. history (first);
About history
Architecture /'ɑ:kitekt? /n. architecture; Architectural art
△ Roman /'r? Hmm? Ancient Roman
Collection /k? Lek? Collection; Treasure; collect
Administration/? Deminis Trey? Management; manage
Port/port? Port (city)
△ Anglo Saxon/? ɡl? America? ksn/
△ Norman /'n? :m? Norman; Norman language
Norman; Norman (French)
△ Viking/'vaiki? /n. Viking; Scandinavians
Country /'k? Country; village
Happy /in d? Me? Pleasant; enjoyable
Omitted; Omission; take no account of
△ opportunity/? p? tju:n? Ti/n. opportunity; chance
Description /di'skrip? Description; describe
Furniture /'f? : ni? Equipped with t/adj; equipment
Fax /f? To send (a document) by fax.
Possibility /p? s? bil? Ti/n
plus /pl? S/ ready. Add; And adj. added; Positive; Above zero
Quarrel /'kw? r? Quarrel; Argument; be picky
Intransitive verbs quarrel; be picky
like /? The same; similar
Replace it.
Fault (machine) damage; sabotage
Arrange/? reind? /vt。 Prepare; Arrangement; arrange
Wedding/wedding? wedding
fold /f? Uld/ vt。 Folding; 50% discount
Sightseeing/Seth: Me? /n. sightseeing; visit
Happy; Happy; Happy; happy
Create happiness; happy
Royal? Me? Royal; Royal; Royal; noble
Uniform /'ju:nif? : male/female uniforms
△ Sao Paulo Cathedral /s? nt p? :lz k? θi:dr? l/
St Paul's Cathedral
Brilliant; Magnificent; Brilliant; excellent
△ Westminster Abbey/'Westminster?' ? bi/
Westminster Abbey (British Celebrity Cemetery)
Statue/saint? t? U:/n. statue; statue
△ Buckingham /'b? ki? Buckingham Palace
△ Greenwich/'?renid? /n. Greenwich (British city)
△ longitude /'l? nd? Itju: longitude; longitude
△ Imagination/Am I? d? Are you online? Ri/adj. imaginary; Fictitious; imaginary
△ navigation /n? vi'ɡei? To navigate by sea/air.
△ sem of Highgate Cemetery /'haiɡeit? Terry/Haegert Cemetery (the northern suburb of London, England, where Marx and his family are buried)
Communism mjuniz? M/n. * * productism
△ original/? rid? n? l/adj . initial; Primitive; Original; novel
Thriller /θril/ vt. Excited; Tourist Trap
Pot /p? T/n. fuel tank; Kettle for boiling water
Error/'eh? /n. error; Neglect; mistake
Consistent /k? No more. NT/adjustment
Book 5 Unit 3
aspect /'? Aspects; aspect
Impression /im'pre? Impression; Feelings; Find; to find out
Pick it up, pick it up; Accept; Start; continue
Constant /'k? nst? Occurring from time to time; uninterrupted
Constantly /'k? nst? continuously
jet /d? jet
△ jet lag flight jet lag reaction
△ flashback /'fl? b? Flashback; flashback
previous /'pri:vi? Forward; Forward; earlier times
Not sure/? N's : TN/adj. Not exact; short-lived
Guide; Help; Guidance; Guide; Guide; Guide. Guide; guide
Tablet /'t? Blit/n。
△ expertise /eksp? :' ti: z/n. Expert opinion;
Professional knowledge (skills, etc. )
Capsule /'k? Psju: l/n. space capsule; capsule
steward /'stju:? Flight attendants; waiter
Stewardess /stju? air stewardess
Opening/'? upni? /n. visit; Opening; begin
Say sideways: (go, from) one.
Side; Side; The forward-facing side
Surrounding environment? Laundi. Z/n. things around you; environment
Tolerance/no? l? Real estate investment trust. Tolerance; bear
△ combination /k? mbi'nei? Noun/noun combination
lack /l? k/ vi。 & lack; not have
Lack; Something in short supply
Adjust/? d? stm? Nt/n. adjustment; regulate
mask/mι:sk/n . mask; Mask; pretend
Stand up again and recover; Complete recovery
△ Hover /'h? v? /vi。 hover
Carriage /'k? rid? /n. means of transport; A four-wheeled carriage; passenger train
News. & news; Stress; force
News; Stress; Printing; news
Quick; Fast. Fasten; fixed
Belt; Belt; leather belt
Seat belt
Can't see ... can't see. ...
Cleaning and cleaning; clear away
flash /fl? / vt。 & (make) flash; (cause) to flash.
switch /swit? /n. switch; Conversion; Change.
Timetable; Timetable; timetable
△ Tired /iɡ'z? exhausted
Slide in (quickly and quietly) to move; slip into ...
Optimism/? Pti 'mistik/adj。
Pessimistic, pessimistic
speed up
△ pedal/'pedal/n. pedal; Feet
△ Alien /'eili? Aliens; foreigner
Strange; Foreign; Extraterrestrial
mud /m? Mud (mud)
Desert/'Dez? Desert; wasteland
△ huge /I n? :m? Huge; huge
△ imitation. Imitation; copy
△ movable /'mu:v? BL/adj. Movable; athletic
Citizens; Citizens; Residents; Urban resident
Typewriter /'taiprait? /typewriter
Postage /'p? ustid? /n postage
Postal code /'p? ustk? Ud/n. postal code
button /'b? Tn/n button; button
Instant inst? Immediate; a short while
Immediately; Immediately; immediately
Receiver/Risi: V? /n. the addressee; Receiver; telephone receiver
△ efficiency /i'fi? Efficiency; efficacy
△ high efficiency /i'fi? Efficient; efficient; Competent
△ Ribbon/'rib? Ribbon; silk ribbon
Garbage can? St bin/n
△ dispose /di'sp? Uz/ vt。 Layout; arrange
△ disposal /di'sp? Uzl/n. clear; deal with
Ecology /i'k? l? d? I/n. ecology; ecology
Greed/ω ri: di/adj. Greed; Greed; greedy
Swallow /'sw? l? U/ vt。 Swallow; swallow
Material /m? ti? ri? List of raw materials; material
Recovery /ri:' saikl/vt. Recycling; Recycle
△ manufacturing /m? nju'f? kt? /vt。 (use the machine.
) mass production; quantity production
Goods /udz/n
△etc/it set? r? /abbr. and so on; etc
Representative/agent? Representative; Typical character. Typical; typical
setlm? Settle down; solve
Motivation /m? Utivi? motive
Book 5 Unit 4
Reporter /'d? :n? List/n. reporter; journalist
△ involves /in'v? Lv/ vt。 Involve; Involve; Including;
Involve (involve) ...
Edit/'Edit? /n. edit
Photo /'f? ut? Take a picture of ... ...
Photographer /f? t? ɡr? f? /photographer
△ photography /f? t? ɡr? take a photograph
△ unforgettable/? nf? 'ɡet? Bl/ abj。 Unforgettable; Always remember
△ assignment/? Sam? Nt/n. task; distribute
Happy; Happy; glad
Admirable/'? dm? r? Bl/ adj is commendable; praiseworthy
Unusual/? Niuzhu:? u? Unusual; Unusual; unique
Auxiliary/? Sist/ vt。 Ask for help; Auxiliary; help
Assistant/? sist? Assistant; Assistant; Salesperson
Submit /s? Massachusetts institute of technology. Submission; Submit (a document, etc).
Professional /pr? How are you? Occupation; primary
Professional/public relations? fe? n? Professional
Colleague /'k? Li: Colleague
Anxious/'I:? /eager; longing
Focus? ns? ntreit/ vi。 & concentration; gather
Concentration of concentrate; be absorbed in
Amateur/'? m? t? amateur
Update/? P'deit/ vt。 Update; modernization
Get/? Kwai /vt。 Get to get; acquire
Evaluate/? Ses/ vt。 Evaluation; evaluate
Notification/input? :m/ vt。 Inform; notification
expiration date
△ Respondents /int? Vju:' I:/n. Interviewee; interviewee
Simultaneously, simultaneously, simultaneously. meanwhile
Depend on; rely on
Case/Keith/n. Case; situation
Blame/? z/ vt。 Blame; Condemn; condemn
Accuse or accuse ...
△ blame/? Zhu: "Thief? Blame; Condemn; condemn
On purpose/at will? r? deliberately
(Do sth) for the sake of (doing). ...
△ Denial/Dinai/vt. Deny; refuse
Doubtful; unbelieving
Guilty; Guilty; Guilty; ashamed
Dilemma/Dilem? /n. dilemma; difficult position
Demand/di'm \: nd/n. demand; Requirements; Requirements. urge
△ demanding /di'mɑ:ndi? Very demanding; struggling
Publish /'p? bli? /vt。 Release; Problems; Release; announce
△ exclusive news/SKU: p/n. The first news; Profit, etc. Spoon; shovel
section /'sek? Part number; festival
△ concise /k? Concise; Concise; concise
△ Imaginative/Am I? d? Are you online? Imaginative imaginative
Technical; Technical; Skilled
Technical; Technical; technologic
Thorough/'θ? r? /adj. thorough; detailed
△ Idiom /idi? m? Tik/adj habitual;
Conform to language habits
Crime; Crime; commit a crime
edition /i'di? N/N. Edition (this edition); version
in front of...
Department /di' p:TM? New Territories Department; Ministries and commissions; Department; tie
Accurate/'? kjur? Precise; correct
Senior/'Division: Ni? /adj. older; Senior; high-level
Poland /'p? Lee? /vt。 Poles; Polishing; shine
Chief /t? I:f/adj . main; Chief; Chief; senior/high-ranking/high-level military officer
Approved/? Prudential: v/ vt. Agree; Recognition; agree with
Process /'pr? Use/vt. Processing; deal with
Process; Procedures; step
△ negative /'neɡ? Negative film; negate
Negative; Negative; Negative; Negative; negative
Date/? p? intm? Dating; appointment
Book 5 Unit 5
aid /eid/ n。 Ask for help; Assistance; Financial assistance
First aid (injured patient)
Temporary /'temp? r? Ri/adj.temporary; temporal
Sick is sick.
Are you hurt? Ri/n. damage; harm
Bleeding /bli:d/ vi. & bleeding
△ nosebleed /'n? Uzbli: d/n. nosebleeds; nosebleed
△ sprain /sprein/ vt wrench
△ spray /spreind/adj
Ankle/'? Ankle (joint)
Choke /t? UK/vi. & suffocate [suffocate]; Suffocate to death.
Cabinet /'k? b? D/n. cabinet; wardrobe
Skin; Skin; skin