Ramon is a bit homophonic, meaning a strong and determined protector, Ramon.
English signature: Ramon Hon
Note: China's surname Han can be translated into Hon/Han.
Provide you with a few more suitable references.
Male Irish, founder of Laferty Prosperity
Rafik's friend; Elegant male Arabia
The wise leader of Ragnar, male Norway
Raghnall suggested ruling male Norway.
Rainier ruler male Latin
Mr Raines, a noble Indian male.
Rajiv's Striped Sanskrit for Men
Residents of Raleigh Grassland and Lugu English Men.
Ralph Wolfe, wise advice to men on old English.
Rolston Ralph's English for Men in Small Towns
Ram plesent, the highest male Hebrew.
Lamy loves men, Arabia.
Ramesh Rama male Sanskrit ruler
Lamirault, Lord Chancellor, male Basque.
Ramon's powerful protector, the Teutonic male.
Randolph Wolff, shield man Anglo-Saxon
Ranen sings male Hebrew
Ranger, a man living in the wild, male, ancient French
Ranjan Male India
Ranjit Male India
Lansford Raven Shoal Men's Old English
There's a crow ranch in Lansley. Old English used by men.
Lanson Warrior's Shield Male Old English
Rantif, a convert of Narayana in India, male India.
Raphael, a Hebrew male healed by God.
Rashid's wise adviser, Maleswahili.
Judge Rushne, trial of male Persia
Ratley Night Man India
Crow crow male ancient English
Ravi kind, sun god male India
Ravid wanders, a wandering Hebrew male
Ravindra male Indian
Canyon male ancient English
Rollins' famous old English for local men
Ray, the king's, the majestic man France
Rayburn Youzhangzixi Male Old English
Raymond's outstanding protector, male Goodall.
Leonard, a brave man; Powerful army, male ancient German.