The process of saving the expression is as follows: first, save the lip picture to the computer-find any friend, click an expression in the lower right corner of the chat window-click the+sign in the lower left corner-click the setting in the upper right corner (the small circle is marked with the same logo, and there is an "added expression" at the bottom-click the+sign to select the lip picture just saved.
So the expression was saved successfully.
2. Feel free to find a friend on WeChat and enter your own WeChat name and newly generated lip language;
3. Then you don't have to send it, just copy it all;
4. Go to Me-Personal Information-Name-Select Paste. At this time, the picture will be the same as a symbol. It doesn't matter. Just save it directly. Then you can chat with your friends and have a try. Found that the name has a lip expression.