Iverson's signature shoes start with the question, which 1 is as unique as his owner.
However, the question series does not generate a generation every year according to the habit, because Iverson's signature shoes have dominated the answer series, but it does not mean the end of the question series. In 2004, the second member of the question series, question 2, even after more than two generations, we can still see the inheritance of some aspects of this series. Question 2 looks tougher and looks less bloated than the first generation. The core technology is still Hexalite technology, but today this technology is somewhat insufficient.
The answer 1 is the beginning of a great sneaker series, which is different from the question 1. After one year's preparation, the answer 1 was designed completely according to Iverson's personal characteristics, both in performance requirements and appearance design. When the answer 13 came out, the publicity of the answer 13 was also affected by the delay in the transfer of Iverson. Iverson, who was suspended last season, directly affected the attention of sneakers, so that the answer 13 became a sneaker with low attention. The answer 13 can be said to be untimely sneakers.