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Who uses Apache xml-security- 1
This is a lot. Apache is definitely the leader of open source.

For example:

Classification project name description development language

Computer network server

(* * * 20) Apache HTTP Server C/C++

TomcatJava's Web server Java

James mail server Java

SpamAssassin anti-spam c/c++

PerlApache's Perl programming language supports C/C++

TclTCL scripting language c/c++

Directory server super directory server Java

AxisWebServic server Java

Implementing WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity Protocols in KandulaAxis Java.

Implementation of WS-Resource Framework (WSRF), WS-Base Notification (WSN) and WS-Distributed Management (WSDM) in MuseAxis (project Logo is an unknown ancient Chinese character) Java.

Implementing Java through Common Script web Service Notification (WSN) standard

Implementing Java with SandeshaWS-reliable messaging standard

Implementation of WSS 4 jws-Security Standard for Java

Web service resource framework standard implementation Java

The WS-Addressing standard of AddressingWebService (published by IBM, Microsoft and BEA) realizes Java.

XML SecurityXML signature and encryption standard Java, C++ realizes Java/c++

Java implementation based on

Implementing Xml-RPC of Java

Derby's pure Java relational database Java

Database Java

The development tool (* * * 5) Ant compiles Java automatically.

Maven project management tool, more powerful than Ant, supports Java plug-in development.

Gan daily integration tool, supporting Ant and MavenPython.

JMeterWeb application performance test Java

DdlUtils uses XML to define DDLJava.

Web development framework (* * * 19) Struts MVC Web development framework Java

CocoonWeb development framework, based on Java, a runnable XML pipeline language.

FO printout solution, based on JavaJava.

AxKit publishes Java on the Web based on XML

TapestryWeb development framework Java

TurbineWeb development framework Java

Web development framework Java based on Shale JSF

MyFaces is the first open source JSF to implement Java.

Beehive's J2EE framework based on structure simplifies J2EE programming. Java and Web interface and WebService development framework

Speed template engine Java

Portal portal solution Java

Cactus Web development test framework Java

Network publishing solution Java based on Forrest Cocoon

Slide content management, support WebDAVJava.

Content library for content management

Lenya content management supports version management, workflow and WYSIWYG editor Java.

Developing Java with Xang Dynamic Web Based on JavaScript

Xindice pure XML database Java

JCS distributed cache system

Container (* * * 7) Geronimo J2EE container, similar to JBossJava.

IBATIS is simple or mapped, with. The. NET version of Java/C #

Torque meter mapping Java

ORBObjectRelationalBridge or Mapping Java

Implementation of JDOJDO standard Java

HiveMind is a bit like Spring, the micro-kernel DI container Java.

ExcaliburIoC container Java

Component (* * * 82) APR Portable Runtime Library C/C++

Regular expression Java

Regular expression Java in OROPerl style

XercesXML parsing, Java/C two versions Java/C++

CrimsonXML parser Java

AXIOM more efficient DOM implementation Java

Lucene full-text retrieval with. The. NET version of Java/C #

Logs are not only Log4j, but also Java/C++/Perl/C #

XMLBeansXML to object Java

Implementation of JaxMeJava/XML binding Java

TaglibsJSP tag library Java

HttpComponentsHTTP access control Java

ECS Aided Generation Element Construction Set) Java

WSIFWebService call framework Java

Implementing Java with SOAPSOAP standard

WodenWSDL writing tool Java

Tuscany simplifies SOA developing Java.

MIRAE enables mobile phones to support XML-based services Java.

The BSF Bean Scripting Framework supports JavaScript and other scripting languages Java.

BCEL is used to directly generate bytecode engineering library Java.

Points of interest access office documents Java

Realizing Java with SVG of BatikJAVA

Attribute to access the meta defined in Java 1.5. These projects are all in Jakarta commons, all in Java.

BeanUtils reflection support

Transformation between XML and JavaBean

Realization of chain responsibility chain model

CLI command line parameter parsing

Universal encryption/encryption algorithm for codec

Perfect extension of collection Java container class

Access configuration profiles from various sources.

DaemonJava simulates the daemon of Unix.

DBCP data link connection pool

DbUtilsJDBC auxiliary class

DigesterXML to Java object mapping tool

Find resources by name.

Implementation of ELJSP 2.0 expression standard

E-mail sending e-mail class

File upload file upload auxiliary class

HttpClientHTTP client

IOIO operation auxiliary class

Script engine based on Jelly XML

JexlJSTL expression language extension

JXPath uses XPath language to manipulate the auxiliary classes of objects.

Langjava.lang class extension

Cross-platform Java application launcher

Log encapsulation of different log implementations

Mathematics mathematics and statistics tutorial class

Modelers create MBeans that are compatible with JMX standards.

Net implementation of various network protocols.

Pool object pool

Primitives is a small Java primitive object type operation auxiliary class.

Implementation of XML standard for SCXML state diagram

Transaction multi-level container, file operation transaction support

Validator uses XML to define validators and validation rules.

VFS virtual file system is used to operate FTP, SMB, Zip, etc.

Compressed tar, zip, bzip2 compressed format file operation, these items are all in the sandbox of Jakarta commons.

CSVCSV file format support

Exec external process execution and environment setting auxiliary class

Finder simulates Unix lookup commands.

I 18n internationalization auxiliary class

ID generation id auxiliary class

Javaflow application state management

JCIJava compiler interface

OpenPGPOpenPGP package

Pipeline helper classes are used to manipulate data in parallel or sequentially.

Agent dynamic code generation auxiliary class

Cache Object Cache Services These items are dormant in public places in Jakarta.

Clazzclass operation and reflection operation

Contract contract programming uses Java.

ConvertJava object class west conversion auxiliary class

Event event management container

Implementation of FeedparserRSS and Atom

Functions operate on functions as objects.

JJarJar operation

LatkaHTTP function test

After simple encapsulation, Mapper can choose different object mapping implementations.

MessengerJMS is used as an auxiliary class in Web development.

Resource international resource information search

ScaffoldWeb application development tool

Thredpool thread pool

Workflow workflow management system framework

XMLIOXML configuration fast and simple import