1, the beginning of the email must be written in the top box. If you send an email to a superior, you must use your respectful name, such as dear Mr. Wang or directly use Mr. Wang; If you are sending emails to many leaders, you should use: respect leaders; If you are writing an email to a colleague, you can use his first name directly (it is best not to use his full name, you can use his first name directly instead of his last name), such as Jianlin and Hua Teng. It can bring the relationship closer and make people feel less stiff.
2. The body of the email greeting First of all, you should use the greeting at the beginning of the body. If you send an email to a superior, you should use: hello or see the letter; If you send an email to the same level, you can use it directly: hello, hello and so on.
3. The body of the email
4, the signature of the email must be signed at the end of the email, so that the email is more formal. The signature should include the department, name, instant messaging tool number, landline number, mobile phone number and email address.
5. Regarding the cc of the email, there is a cc recipient column in the email. You should fill in the email address of the person related to the incident expressed in the email to let them know about it, and also send a copy to your superior leader to let him know about your work and work progress. This is the most important thing to write an email. In the email, you must clearly describe what you want to convey, when, what event and how to do it. In addition, important words can be bold, black and highlighted.