Allen, Allen, Gail, harmony; Handsome; Good looking.
Abner, the Hebrew wisdom of Abner; Wise.
Adam, Adam, the first man in the Hebrew world, male
Adonis, adonis, Greek, handsome man.
Albert, Albert England, noble and intelligent; Guardian of mankind.
Alston, Aston England, a man of noble birth.
Andy, Andy, Greece, male, brave, brave.
Augustus, Augus Gail, one, the only one; Love God.
Anthony, Anthony Latin, deserves praise and respect.
Baron, Baron, England, brave warrior; Noble; Baron.
Baker, Baker, England, Creek.
Ben, Ben, son of Hebrew; peak
Bert, Bert, England, brilliant; A person who radiates glory and light X.
Bill, Bill, Germany, a powerful warrior or protector.
Bowen, Bowen, England, educated aristocrat.
Karl, Karl, Germany, a great man; Dude.
Charles Charles Latin Teutonic, strong, male, noble heart, strong.
Daniel, Daniel, the Hebrew God is my judge.
David, David, loved by the Hebrews.
Dick, Dick, Germany, fearless.
Duke, Duke, Latin, Duke; Leadership.
Eli, Eli, Hebrew is great and outstanding.
Eugene, Eugene, Greek, Latin, of noble descent.
Evan, Calvin, Celtic, a man of noble birth.
Jean, Jean, Greek, Latin, of noble descent.
Hale, Hall, England, heroic glory.
Harry, Harry, Irish science; Have a gift for invention.
Ian, Ian, Scotland embodies the glory of God.
Ingmar Ingmar, a descendant of a noble family.
Ivan, Ivan, Russia, God's merciful gift.
Ken, Ken, the handsome leader of Scotland.
Kennedy Kennedy is the leader of the Irish samurai, referring to the leader.
Kenneth Kenneth, the handsome leader of Scotland.
Kent, Kent, the handsome leader of Scotland; A vast territory.
Kevin, Kevin, Irish saint; Very masculine; Born in a good family.
Larry, Laurie, Latin, laurel.
Ryan, Ron, Teutonic, strong lion.
Magee McKee, an irascible Irish man.
Malcolm Malcolm Scotland refers to missionaries.
Mandel, Mandel, refers to a person with almond eyes.
Marcus, Marcus Rome, refers to a combative person.
Maricot, Mario Latin, a militant man; Fight fiercely
Mark, mark, Latin, refers to aggressive people.
Marlon, French Mullen, refers to a person like an eagle or a falcon.
Marsh, Marcy, France, comes from an area with many plants and trees.
Marshall, Marshall England, horse breeder, follower of the king.
Martin, Martin, Latin, militant, militant.
Marvin, Marvin, England, friends.
Matt, Matt, a gift from the Hebrew God.
Matthew Matthew, a gift from the Hebrew God.
Maurice Maurice Latin, with dark skin; Moors.
Max, Max Latin, the greatest.
Maximilian, Maximilian, Latin, the greatest.
Maxwell Maxwell, England, is an influential and respectable person.
George meredith, george meredith, Protector of the Sea of Wales.
Moore, Moore, France, a thrush; The French use this name to address those who like to sing or whistle.
Merlin, England, a fortress by the sea or a hill by the sea.
Michael Michael, a Hebrew like God.
Michelle Mitchell Britain is like the glory and nobility of God.
Mick, Mick, a Hebrew man like God.
Mike, Mike, Hebrews love God.
Miles, Miles, German, Latin, Greek, warrior; Grinding stone; Kindness
Milo, Milu, Latin, who raised the townspeople; Soldier.
Monroe, Monroe, Celtic red swamp.
Montague, Mante Juradin, comes from a steep mountain range.
Moore, Moore, France, dark and handsome appearance.
Morgan, Morgan Wells refers to people who live by the sea.
Mortimer, Mortimer France, a man who lives by a quiet lake.
Morton, Morton, England, comes from a village in the wilderness.
Moses, Moses, a Hebrew rescuer from the sea; Kid.
Murphy, Murphy and Ireland refer to those who defend sea power.
Murray, Morey, Celtic sailors.
Miron, Miron, Greece, fragrance; Sweet and fragrant.
Nat, Nat, Hebrew gift.
Nathan Naiden, Hebrew teacher.
Nathaniel, Naboniel, a gift from the Hebrew God.
Neil, Neil, England, a brave man; Leadership; Won the Suso Prize?
Nelson, Nelson England, son.
Newman, Newman, England, a welcome stranger.
Nicholas, Nicholas, Greece, champion.
Nick, Nick, Greece, champion.
Nigel, Nigel Latin, the man with black hair.
Noah, Noah, Hebrew is calm, still, or peaceful.
Noel, Noel, Latin, birthday; Christmas.
Norman, Norman, France, Northern Europe, Scandinavia.
Norton Norton, England, a person from the southern countryside.
Hale, Hall, England, heroic glory.
Harry, Harry, Irish science; Have a gift for invention.
Hamilton, France or Normandy, a small village on the mountain; Bare hills.
Hardy, Hardy, moral, brave, noble personality.
Harlan, Harlan, Teutonic, from a cold country.
Harry, Harry, England, grasslands or groves full of rabbits.
Harold, Harold Britain, leader; Fight bravely.
Harriet Harriet, England, War, Soldiers.
Harry, Harry, medieval England, war, soldiers.
Harvey, Harvey, France, bitter; Progress or prosperity.
Hayden, Hayden, Germanic, came from a small town surrounded by hedges.
Heather heather England, flowering heather.
Henry, Henry, Teutonic, family manager; Family ruler.
Herbert Herbert Germany, a famous or outstanding fighter.
Herman, Herman Germany, soldier; Dude.
Hilary, Hilary Latin, happy.
Hiram, Heller, a high-ranking Hebrew; Glorious.
Hobart, Hobert, the light pavilion in my heart.
Hogan, Hogan, Ireland is always young.
Horace, Harris Latin, teacher.
Howard, holder Teutonic, watchman.
Hubery, Hubert France, cheerful personality; Excellent thinking.
Hugh, Hugh, morality and reason; Intelligence; Soul.
Hugo, Hugo, Latin, reason; Intelligence; Soul.
Humphrey, Humphrey Teuton, supporter of peace.
Hunter, Hunter, England, a man who is proud of hunting.
Hyman, Hyman, Hebrew life.
Ian, Ian, Scotland embodies the glory of God.
Ingmar Ingmar, a descendant of a noble family.
England England Ingram refers to the son of a big bird, a symbol of wisdom.
Ella, Ella and Hebrews with high alertness; Castrated horses.
Isaac, Isaac Hebrew laughter.
Isidore isidore Greek, a gift from the goddess Aeschylus.
Ivan, Ivan, Russia, God's merciful gift.
Ives, Elvis Presley England, refers to the swordsman.
Jack, Jack, a kind gift from the Hebrew God.
Jacob, Jacob, change to Hebrew; Followers.
James, James Latin, please sit down.
Jared, Hebrew Jared family, lineage, origin.
Jason, Jason, Greece, a person who heals wounds; A knowledgeable person.
Jay, Jay, France, The Beauty of Bluebird.
Jeff, Jeff, France, holy peace.
Jeffrey Jeffrey France, holy peace.
Jeremy Jeremy, the sublimity of the Hebrew God.
Jerome, Jerome Latin, holy name.
Jerry, Jerry, Latin, holy name.
Jesse, Jesse, a gift from the Hebrew God; God is peaceful.
Jim, Jim and Latin, take your positions.
Joe, Joe, from the Hebrew God.
John, John, the merciful grace of the Hebrew God.
Jonas, Jonas Hebrew dove of peace.
Jonathan, Jonathan was born of the Hebrew God.
Joseph, Joseph, the Hebrew God will give it again.
Joshua, Joe Hugh was saved by the Hebrew God.
Joyce, Joyce Latin, happy.
Julian, Julian Greece, with soft hair, also represents young people.
Julius of Greece, Julius, with soft and hairy hair.
Justin. Justin Latin. What? br & gt
Kelly, Kelly, Celtic warrior.
Ken, Ken, the handsome leader of Scotland.
Kennedy Kennedy is the leader of the Irish samurai, referring to the leader.
Kenneth Kenneth, the handsome leader of Scotland.
Kent, Kent, the handsome leader of Scotland; A vast territory.
Cole, Cole, Ireland refers to a black man with a spear.
Colvin, an Irishman with soft eyes in colvin; friend
Kevin, Kevin, Irish saint; Very masculine; Born in a good family.
King, the king of England, was born on the grass of the Royal Fort.
King, king, England, ruler.
Kirk, Kirk, Gail, the people who live next to the church.
Kyle, Kyle, Wells, a narrow strait; Shuai Shuai's.
Lambert Lambert Germany, a clever producer; Light.
Reims, Reims, France, land; Someone who waits for others.
Larry, Laurie, Latin, laurel.
Lawrence, Lawrence Latin, laurel.
Ye Xiaokai, Lev, Novi, popular lover.
Ryan, Ron, Teutonic, strong lion.
Lennon, Lennon, a thin man in Ireland with a hat and cloak.
Leo, Leo, Greece, lion; Warriors.
Leonard Leonard Teutonic, as strong as a lion.
Leopold Leopold, Germany, patriotism.
Les, Les, and Celt are all from ancient fortresses.
Leicester, Liszt, England, camp; An outstanding person.
Levi, Levi and Hebrew are unified.
Lewis, Lewis France, shy on the battlefield?
Lionel, Lionel, France, like a lion.
Lou, French Lou, is very famous on the battlefield.
Louis, Louis France, is very famous on the battlefield.
Lv Xian, Lv Xian Latin, light, truth.
Luther, Luther, Germany, outstanding soldiers.
Lyle Lyle, France, the people of the island.
Linden, Linden, Teutonic, live where there are bodhi trees.
Lynn, Lynn, England, lives by the lake.
Magee McKee, an irascible Irish man.
Malcolm Malcolm Scotland refers to missionaries.
Mandel, Mandel, refers to a person with almond eyes.
Marcus, Marcus Rome, refers to a combative person.
Maricot, Mario Latin, a militant man; Fight fiercely
Mark, mark, Latin, refers to aggressive people.
Marlon, French Mullen, refers to a person like an eagle or a falcon.
Marsh, Marcy, France, comes from an area with many plants and trees.
Marshall, Marshall England, horse breeder, follower of the king.
Martin, Martin, Latin, militant, militant.
Marvin, Marvin, England, friends.
Matt, Matt, a gift from the Hebrew God.
Matthew Matthew, a gift from the Hebrew God.
Maurice Maurice Latin, with dark skin; Moors.
Max, Max Latin, the greatest.
Maximilian, Maximilian, Latin, the greatest.
Maxwell Maxwell, England, is an influential and respectable person.
George meredith, george meredith, Protector of the Sea of Wales.
Moore, Moore, France, a thrush; The French use this name to address those who like to sing or whistle.
Merlin, England, a fortress by the sea or a hill by the sea.
Michael Michael, a Hebrew like God.
Michelle Mitchell Britain is like the glory and nobility of God.
Mick, Mick, a Hebrew man like God.
Mike, Mike, Hebrews love God.
Miles, Miles, German, Latin, Greek, warrior; Grinding stone; Kindness
Milo, Milu, Latin, who raised the townspeople; Soldier.
Monroe, Monroe, Celtic red swamp.
Montague, Mante Juradin, comes from a steep mountain range.
Moore, Moore, France, dark and handsome appearance.
Morgan, Morgan Wells refers to people who live by the sea.
Mortimer, Mortimer France, a man who lives by a quiet lake.
Morton, Morton, England, comes from a village in the wilderness.
Moses, Moses, a Hebrew rescuer from the sea; Kid.
Murphy, Murphy and Ireland refer to those who defend sea power.
Murray, Morey, Celtic sailors.
Miron, Miron, Greece, fragrance; Sweet and fragrant.
Nat, Nat, Hebrew gift.
Nathan Naiden, Hebrew teacher.
Nathaniel, Naboniel, a gift from the Hebrew God.
Neil, Neil, England, a brave man; Leadership; Won the Suso Prize?
Nelson, Nelson England, son.
Newman, Newman, England, a welcome stranger.
Nicholas, Nicholas, Greece, champion.
Nick, Nick, Greece, champion.
Nigel, Nigel Latin, the man with black hair.
Noah, Noah, Hebrew is calm, still, or peaceful.
Noel, Noel, Latin, birthday; Christmas.
Norman, Norman, France, Northern Europe, Scandinavia.
Norton Norton, England, a person from the southern countryside.
Ogden, Ogden England, from Elephant Tree Valley.
Oliver, Oliver Latin, a safe man.
Omar, Omar, the eldest son of Arabia, was taught by the prophet.
Orville O'Rear, French, from Huang Jincheng.
Osborne, Osborne Britain, a holy warrior, a blessed man.
Oscar, Oscar Teutonic, sacred spear.
Britain's Osmond and Osmond are blessed and protected.
Oswald, Oswald, England, holy and powerful.
Otis, Otis Greece, has a keen hearing.
Otto, Otto, Germany, rich.
Owen, Owen, Latin, Wells, a young soldier of noble birth.
Peggy, Peggy, Greece, children.
Parker, Parker, England, park ranger.
Paddy Patty, Irish of noble birth; Noble.
Patrick Patrick Latin, of noble birth; Noble.
Paul, Paul, Latin, refers to a short and delicate person.
Payne, pine, Latin, peasant.
Perry, Ferry, England, Pear Tree.
Pete, Pete, Greece, rocks, rocks.
Peter, Peter, Greece, rocks, rocks.
Phil, Phil, Greece, horse lovers.
Philip, Philip Greece, warrior; Warlike or belligerent; Horse lovers.
Porter, porter, France, porter or porter.
Prescott, Prescott, England, Pastor's Cabin.
Primo, Primo's eldest son in Italy.
Quentin Quint, France, day five, day five.
Quinier, France, an independent oak area.
Quincy, Quincy, Latin, fifth.
Quinn, Quinn, Latin, fifth.
Quentin, Quentin, Latin, fifth and fifth generation descendants.
Rachel, Rachel Hebrew ewe.
Ralap, relf UK, wolf's advice or wolf's wisdom, consultant.
Randolph, Randolph England, Wolf's advice or Wolf's wisdom.
Raymond Raymond Germany, a powerful protector or consultant, protector.
Registration, Lei Zhe, German, Empire; King.
Reagan, the monarch of Ireland; King.
Reginald, quasi-Z Germany, a powerful leader of Germany.
Rubin, Rubin, Greece, a son! Freshman.
Rex, Rex Latin, the king.
Richard Richard, Germany, brave and fearless.
Robert, Robert Teutonic, brilliant reputation.
Robin, Robin, Teutonic, brilliant reputation, Robin.
Rock, Locke, England, rock, very strong people.
Rhodes, Rhodes, UK, road service provider; Famous.
Roderick of England is very famous; A famous leader.
Rodney, Rodney UK, road service provider; Name, servant.
Ron, Ron, Teutonic, a powerful leader.
Ronald, Ronald, Teutonic, a powerful leader.
Rory, Rory, Celtic, ruddy, healthy people.
Roy, Roy, England, the king.
Rudolf, Rudolf Germanic, Wolff.
Rupert, Rupert Teutonic, brilliant reputation.
Ryan, Ryan, the king of Ireland with great potential.
Sam, Sam, the name of the Hebrew god.
Sampson Simpson Hebrew wisdom and strength high, the sun.
Samuel, Samuel, the name of the Hebrew god.
Sandy, sandy, Latin, defenders of mankind.
Saxon, Saxon England, conqueror of others.
Scott, Scott England, Scotland, Ireland.
Sean, Sean, a kind gift from the Irish God.
Sebastian, Sebastian, Greece, respected and solemn.
Sid, Sid, England, from Finch Sidon.
Sydney, Sydney, England, from Sidon, Finich.
Sylvester, Sylvester, Latin, from the forest.
Simon, Simon, Hebrew reed, flat nose.
Solomon Solomon Hebrew peace, peace.
Spencer Spindu British Company, owner; Administrator, administrator.
Stan, Stan, England, grassland, pasture.
Stanford, Stanford, England, from Rocky Zimmer.
Stanley Stanley England, grasslands, pastures.
Steven, Steven Latin, Greece, Crown, Corolla.
Steve, Steve Latin, Greece, Crown, Corolla.
Stuart Stewart, England, administrator or manager.
Taber, Taber, Teutonic, excellent and wise.
Taylor, Taylor, England, a tailor.
Ted, Ted, the rich guardian of ancient England.
Terrence, Terrence Latin, a gentle, steady or gentle person; Tower.
Theobald, Hilbert, Latin, Brave God.
Theodore, Theodore, Greece, a gift from God or a gift from God.
Thomas, Thomas England, Latin, Sun God; A pair of seals?
Tiffany Tiffany France, showing the sacred image of God.
Tim, Tim, Greece, worships or fears God.
Timothy, Greece, worships or fears God.
Tobias, tobias and Greece, God is my God.
Toby, Toby, Greece, God is my God.
Todd, Todd, Britain, Fox; Refers to a clever and cunning person.
Tom, Tom, England, Latin, a pair of children?
Tony, Tony, Latin, worthy of praise and respect.
Tracy, Tracy UK, market path, harvest.
Troy, Troy, France, people who live in curly hair.
Truman, Truman, England, very loyal. Does Jenna forgive you?
Taylor, Taylor, England, roof builder, brick maker.
Tyrone, Tyrone, Greece, Lord or ruler.
Ulysses, Greece, smart and brave, hater.
Upton, Aptom, England, comes from the front of the town.
Uriah, Uriah and Hebrew Jesus are where the light is.
Valentine, Valentine, Latin, healthy or strong.
Valentine, Valentine England, precious and powerful.
Verne, Foucault, Latin, lush.
Vic, Vic, Latin, winner, conqueror.
Winner, winner Latin, winner, conqueror.
Vincent Vincent, Latin, conquest.
Virgil, Latin Virgil, spring, life is thriving.
Vito, Vito, Latin, very lively and energetic people.
Vivian, Vivian Latin, active.
Wade, Vader, England, Wanderers.
A man walks in the Woods in Walker, England.
Walter, Walter ancient Germany, France, refers to a person who leads an army or a powerful warrior.
Ward, Ward, England, defender, defender.
Warner, Warner, Germany, people who resist aggression.
Wayne, Wayne, England, the man who built the carriage, the carriage
Webb, Webb, England, Weaver.
Webster Webster, England, Weaver.
Wendell Wendell Teutonic, vagrant.
Werner, Feinar, Germany, defending the country and defending the country, people who resisted aggression.
Wilbur, Wilbur England, a city with many willows, is brilliant.
Will, Will, France, a powerful warrior or protector.
William William, Germany, France, a strong warrior or defender.
Willy, Willy, Germany, a strong warrior or defender.
Winford wavered, Wells whitewater; A peace-loving friend.
Winston Winston England, from a friend's town or residence, stone.
Woodrow Woodrow Norway, a man who lives in a forest cabin.
Wordsworth, Wordsworth, England, walking alone in the Woods.
Wright, Wright, England, lumberjack.
Weiss, Weitz, France, little soldier.
Xavier, the owner of Xavier's new house in Spain, is brilliant.
Yale University? Ancient England came from the border areas.
Yehudi, the Hebrew worshiper of God.
Yorkshire, England, wild boar farmers.
Yves, Yves, France, patron saint of law.
Zachariah Zachariah Hebrew is God's favorite person.
Hebrew House of Zebulun in Ji Bolun.
Ziv, Zhijeffslav is full of energy and happiness everywhere.