Use? System. Assemble. Generics;
Use? System. Component model;
Use? System. Data;
Use? System. Drawing;
Use? System. Linq
Use? System. Text;
Use? System. Windows . Forms
//Note that the Lable property should be changed to public.
Namespace? Windows forms application 2
Public? Part? Class? Form 1? :? form
Public? Form 1 ()
initialize component();
Private? Invalid? Button 1_Click (object? Sender? EventArgs? e)
Form2? fr2? =? New? Form2 (this);
fr2。 show();
Use? System;
Use? System. Assemble. Generics;
Use? System. Component model;
Use? System. Data;
Use? System. Drawing;
Use? System. Linq
Use? System. Text;
Use? System. Windows . Forms
Namespace? Windows forms application 2
Public? Part? Class? Form2? :? form
Public? Form 2 ()
initialize component();
Private? Form 1? _ fr 1;
Public? Form2(Form 1? fr 1)
initialize component();
_fr 1? =? fr 1;
Private? Invalid? Form2_Load (object? Sender? EventArgs? e)
MessageBox。 Show (? _fr 1.label 1 text);