1.gpedit.msc-Group Policy
2.snd rec 32- recorder
3.nslookup-IP address detector
4. Explorer-Open Explorer.
5. Logout-Logout command
6.tsshutdn-60 seconds countdown shutdown command
7.lusrmgr. MSC- local users and groups
8.services. MSC- local service settings
9.oobe/msoobe/a- checks whether XP is activated.
10. Notepad-Open Notepad
1 1.clean emgr- garbage disposal
12.net Start Messenger-Start Messenger service.
13. Master of Computer Management
14.net Stop Messenger-Stop Messenger service.
15. conf- Start the network conference.
16.DVD player -DVD player
17.charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
18.diskgmt.msc-disk management tool
19.calc- Start the calculator.
20. Disk defragmenter
2 1.chkdsk.exe-Chkdsk disk check
22. Device Manager
23.regsvr32/u *。 Dll- stops running the dll file.
24.drwtsn32-System Doctor
25.Rononce-P- 15 seconds off.
26. Check DirectX information.
27.regedt32-Registry Editor
28.Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
29.rsop.msc-group policy result set
30.mem.exe- displays the memory usage.
3 1.regedit.exe Registry
32.winchat-XP comes with local area network chat.
33. Project Manager
34.WinMSD- system information
35.Perfmon。 Computer performance monitoring program
Winver-check the Windows version.
37.sfc /scannow-Scan for errors and recover.
38.taskmgr-Task Manager (2000/XP/2003)
Winver-check the Windows version.
40.wmimgmt.msc-Open Window Management Architecture (WMI).
4 1.Wupdmgr-Windows Update
42.wscript-windows Script Host Settings
43. Wordpad
44.WinMSD- system information
45.wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Guide
46.winchat-XP comes with local area network chat.
47.MEM。 Displays memory usage.
48.Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility
49.mplayer2-Simple widnows Media Player
50. Sketchpad
5 1.MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection
52.mplayer2-Media Player
53. Magnifier tool
54.MMC- Open the console.
55. Synchronization command
56. Check DirectX information.
57.drwtsn32-System Doctor
58. Device Manager
59. Disk Defragmenter
60.diskmgmt.msc-disk management tool
6 1.dcomcnfg-Open the system component service.
62.ddeshare-open DDE*** to enjoy the settings.
63.DVD player -DVD player
64. Stop the courier service.
65. Start the messenger service.
66. Notepad-Open Notepad.
67. Guide to network management tools.
68.ntbackup-system backup and restore
69. Narrator-screen "Narrator"
70.ntmsmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
7 1.ntmsoprq.msc-mobile storage administrator operation request
72.netstat-an-(tc) command to check the interface.
73.syncapp-create a briefcase
74. System Configuration Editor
75. Document signature verification procedures
77. Create a * * * folder.
78.secpol.msc-local security policy
79. syskey-system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be unlocked, which protects the double password of windows xp system.
80.services.msc-local service settings
8 1.Sndvol32-Volume control program
82.sfc.exe system file checker
83 83.sfc /scannow-windows file protection
84.tsshutdn-60 seconds countdown shutdown command
85.tourstart-xp xp introduces XP (roaming XP program after installation).
86.taskmgr- Task Manager
87.eventvwr-Event Viewer
88.EUDCEDIT- word formation program
89. Explorer-Open Explorer.
90. Packager-Object Packager
9 1.perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
92. Project Manager
93.regedit.exe Registry
94.rsop.msc-group policy result set
95.regedt32-Registry Editor
96.Rononce-P- 15 seconds off.
97.Regsvr32/u *。 Stop running the dll file.
98. Zippfldr.dll-Cancel postal code support.
99.cmd.exe command prompt
100.chkdsk.exe-chkdsk disk check
10 1. certmgr. MSC- certificate management tool
102.calc- Start the calculator.
103.charmap- Starts the character mapping table.
104.Cliconfg-SQL Server Client Network Utility
105.clipbrd- Clipboard Viewer
106. conf- Start the network conference.
Computer management
108.clean emgr- garbage disposal
109. ciav. MSC- indexing service program
1 10.OSK- Open the on-screen keyboard.
111.odbcad32-odbc data source manager
112.oobe/msoobe/a-Check whether XP is activated.
1 13. lusrmgr. MSC- local users and groups
1 14. Logout command
1 15.iExpress- Trojan binding tool, which comes with the system.
1 16.nslookup-IP address detector
117.fsmgmt.msc-* * * Enjoy the folder manager.
1 18.uti liman- assistant tool manager
Detailed description of Ping command under Windows
Ping can only be used after installing TCP/IP protocol:
Ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s
Count] [[-j computer list] | [-k computer list ]] [-w timeout] destination list
-t Ping the specified host until it stops. To view statistics and continue, type Control-Break;; Stop-type control-c.
Keep ping the local host until you press control-c.
This function has no special skills, but it can be used with other parameters, which will be mentioned below.
-a resolves the address to a host name.
Resolve the NetBios name of the computer.
For example: c: \ > ping-a192.168.1.21
Ping iceblood.yofor.com with 32 bytes of data []:
Reply from192.168.1.21:bytes = 32 time <; 10ms TTL=254
Reply from192.168.1.21:bytes = 32 time <; 10ms TTL=254
Reply from192.168.1.21:bytes = 32 time <; 10ms TTL=254
Reply from192.168.1.21:bytes = 32 time <; 10ms TTL=254
Ping statistics are192.168.1.21:
Packet: sending = 4, receiving = 4, loss = 0 (0% loss), approximate round-trip time in milliseconds:
Minimum value = 0 ms, maximum value = 0 ms and average value = 0 ms.
From the above, we can know that the NetBios of the computer with IP 192. 168. 1 is called iceblood.yofor.com.
-n count the number of echo requests to send.
Send the number of echo packets specified by count.
By default, only four packets are usually sent. You can define the number of packets you send through this command, which is very helpful for calculating the network speed. For example, I want to test the average time, the fastest time and the slowest time to send 50 packets, and I can get the following information:
c:\ & gt; Ping -n 50 202. 103.96.68
Ping 202 with 32 bytes of data.103.96.68:
202. 103.96.68 reply: byte =32 time =50ms TTL=24 1
202. 103.96.68 reply: byte =32 time =50ms TTL=24 1
202. 103.96.68 reply: byte =32 time =50ms TTL=24 1
The request timed out.
202. 103.96.68 reply: byte =32 time =50ms TTL=24 1
202. 103.96.68 reply: byte =32 time =50ms TTL=24 1
202. Ping statistics of103.96.68:
Packet: send = 50, receive = 48, lose = 2 (4% lost), approximate round-trip time in milliseconds:
Minimum value = 40ms, maximum value = 5 1 ms, and average value = 46ms.
As can be seen from the above, in the process of sending 50 packets to 202. 103.96.68, 48 packets were returned, and two of them were lost for unknown reasons. The fastest return speed of these 48 packets is 40ms, the slowest is 5 1ms, and the average speed is 46 ms.
-l size send buffer size.
Defines the size of the loopback packet.
By default, the packet size sent by windows ping is 32 bytes. We can also define its size, but there is a size limit, that is, it can only send 65,500 Byt at most. Some people may ask why it should be limited to 65,500 Byt.
Because all Windows series systems have a security loophole (perhaps including other systems), that is, when the data packet sent to the other party at one time is greater than or equal to 65532, the other party is likely to block the machine. So in order to solve this security vulnerability, Microsoft limited the packet size of ping. Although Microsoft has made this restriction, this parameter is still very harmful when combined with other parameters. For example, we can achieve an aggressive command by matching the -t parameter: (the following is introduced.
It is dangerous and only used for experiments. Please don't apply it to other people's machines easily, or you will be at your own risk. )
c:\ & gt; Ping-l65500-t192.168.1.21
Ping192.168.1.21,containing 65,500 bytes of data:
Reply from192.168.1.21:bytes = 65500time <; 10ms TTL=254
Reply from192.168.1.21:bytes = 65500time <; 10ms TTL=254
In this way, it will continuously send packets with the size of 65500byt to 192. 168. 1 computer. If you only have one computer, it may not be effective, but if you have multiple computers, you can completely paralyze each other. I have done such an experiment. When I used 10 computers to ping a computer with Win2000Pro system at the same time, in less than 5 minutes, the other party's network was completely paralyzed, the network was seriously blocked, and the HTTP and FTP services stopped completely. This shows that power is no small matter.
-f sets the no segmentation flag in the packet.
Send a "Do not segment" flag in the packet.
Generally speaking, the packet you send will be segmented according to the route and then sent to the other party. After adding this parameter, the route will not be segmented again.
-I want to live.
Specify how long TTL value stays in the other system.
This parameter also helps you check the network operation.
-Service type.
Set the service type field to the value specified by tos.
-r count records the hop count of the route.
Record the routing of outgoing and returning packets in the Record Routing field.
Generally speaking, the packet you sent reached the other party through a route, but which routes did you pass? You can set the number of routes you want to detect through this parameter, but it is limited to nine, which means that you can only track nine routes. If you want to detect more, you can do it through other commands, which I will explain to you in a future article. Here is an example:
c:\ & gt; Ping-n1-r9202.96.105.1kloc-0/(send a packet and record up to 9 routes).
Reply from = 32time =10ms TTL = 249.
Route: 202. 107.208. 187->
202. 107.2 10.2 14->;
6 1. 153. 1 12.70->;
6 1. 153. 1 12.89->;
202.96. 105. 149 ->
202.96. 105.97 ->
202 . 96 . 105 . 10 1->
202.96. 105. 150 ->
6 1. 153. 1 12.90
Ping statistics are
Packet: send = 1, receive = 1, loss = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round-trip time in milliseconds:
Minimum value =10ms, maximum value =10ms, and average value =10ms.
From the above, we can know that from my computer to,a * * passed 202.6438+007.2087, 2002.107.10087.100080808806
Count timestamp of -s count hops.
Specifies the timestamp of the hop count specified by count.
This parameter is similar to -r, except that this parameter does not record the routes returned by packets, and only records four at most.
-j host-list is routed along the loose source of host-list.
Routes packets using the computer list specified by computer-list. Continuous computers can be separated by intermediate gateways (routing sparse sources). The maximum number allowed by IP is 9.
-k host-list strict source routing along the host-list.
Routes packets using the computer list specified by computer-list. Continuous computers cannot be separated by intermediate gateways (routing is strictly from sources). The maximum number of IPS allowed is 9.
-w timeout The timeout (in milliseconds) for waiting for each reply.
Specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds.
There is no other trick for this parameter.
Other skills of ping command: In general, you can roughly judge whether the system type of the target host is Windows series or UNIX/Linux series by pinging the TTL value returned by the other party. Under normal circumstances, the TTL value returned by Windows series systems is between 100- 130. The TTL value returned by UNIX/Linux system is between 240 and 255. Of course, TTL value can be modified in the other host, and Windows system can realize it by modifying the following key values in the registry:
[HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ current control set \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters]
" DefaultTTL"=dword:000000ff
255 - FF
128 - 80
64 - 40
32 - 20
In general, when we use Ping commands to find problems or check the network operation, we need to use many Ping commands. If they all work normally, we can trust that there is nothing wrong with the basic connection and configuration parameters. If some Ping commands fail, it can also point out the problem. The following are typical detection sequences and corresponding possible faults:
? ping 127.0.0. 1
This Ping command is sent to the IP software of the local computer, and the command never exits the computer. If this is not done, it shows that there are some basic problems in the installation or operation of TCP/IP.
? Ping local IP
This command is sent to the IP address configured by our computer, and our computer should always reply this Ping command. If not, it means there is a problem with the local configuration or installation. When this problem occurs, LAN users should disconnect the network cable and resend the command. If the command is correct after the network cable is disconnected, it means that another computer may be configured with the same IP address.
? Ping other IPS in the LAN.
This command should leave our computer, go through the network card and network cable to other computers, and then return. The received response indicates that the network card and operator in the local network are operating normally. However, if you receive a 0 echo reply, it means that the subnet mask (the code that separates the network part of the IP address from the host part when subnetting) is incorrect, or the network card is not configured correctly, or there is something wrong with the cable system.
? Ping gateway IP
If this command is answered correctly, it means that the gateway router in the LAN is running and can answer.
? Ping remote IP
If four replies are received, the default gateway is successfully used. For dial-up users, it means that they can surf the Internet successfully (but it does not rule out that there will be problems with the ISP's DNS).
? Ping local host
Localhost is the reserved network name of the system. It is an alias of 127.0.0. 1 Every computer should be able to translate this name into this address. If it is not within this range, there is something wrong with the host file (/Windows/host).
? Ping www.xxx.com (such as Tian Ji, www.yesky.com. com)。
Usually Ping the www.xxx.com address of the domain name through the DNS server. If something goes wrong here, it means that the IP address of the DNS server is not configured correctly or the DNS server is faulty (for dial-up users, some ISPs no longer need to set up a DNS server). By the way, we can also use this command to realize the conversion function from domain name to IP address.
If all the Ping commands listed above can work normally, then we can basically use our computer for local and remote communication. However, the success of these commands does not mean that all our network configurations are problem-free. For example, these methods may fail to detect some subnet mask errors.