& ltDIV & gt is a block definition tag. The language or CSS style used to define the block.
DIV should have a start tag.
The tag can have the following parameters:
Id, class (identifier ID, "class" within the scope of this HTML file)
Lang (language information, for example, this block is Arabic, that block is Russian, and others are Chinese), dir (text direction, right to left, or left to right)
Title (the title of the element "Title")
Style (online style details)
Alignment (definition of alignment method)
Onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup (definitions of processing methods when various events of mouse and keyboard keys occur).
DIV is different from SPAN: SPAN is "inline" and div is "streaming"
North and South Longgang mentioned
& ltP & gt..& lt/P & gt; A block can be formed.
Many other labels can also be formed into blocks, for example
In short, in an HTML file, you want to distinguish a block from other parts and define a style or language for it. You can add