Fourthly, when the new Serafan collection of Doffer Ogilvy Huggins comes back, complexity and romance push the world towards a unique aesthetic (Emerson, show); Casino budget has collected the famous wear-resistant, simple lines and neutral colors of I-dealoptics, which are the latest styles of push envelopes and inspired stained glass (Megan, meaning); The improved collection appeal of Smith Los Angeles, South Dakota is "do whatever you want", that is, the spirit and original thinking of young people (democracy, display); ClearVision introduced the intersection fashions collected by the newly launched hub cities and their affordability (Asbury Park, exhibition).
5. Bright pink interior and enameled metal temples, featuring persistent organic pollutants by rosalind Pulitzer of Lilly Company; EP6 19SIN color 734 Details from Pucci, the yellow logo pattern temple of Marchon warm butter in Emilio Pucci; The thick green Mexican pepper in the jungle is marked as dark green by a & optics, and the temple is marked as acid green by screen printing. A pair of Jimmy Choo Shafino's Jimmy/S sunglasses is optimistic turquoise; RE 1005 color 0 14 focuses on the colorful and violet colors of laser etched flowers from the perspective of the religious son of glasses.