DeRozan’s skills were shaped by the star Kobe. As we all know, Bulls star DeRozan has admired Kobe since he was a child. Kobe is not only his idol, but also his inspiration after becoming a professional player. Mentor, DeRozan said in an interview that Kobe was Jordan in his eyes, the greatest player and the one he had been chasing.
DeRozan’s skills were shaped by the star Kobe. DeRozan said that the person who introduced him to basketball was his father, but the person who gave him all his dreams and motivation was Kobe, because Kobe, he was so diligent in polishing his skills and wanted to become a better player. Kobe could be said to be everything to him and his ultimate fantasy for basketball. When DeRozan was sixteen and already famous, he finally got to know him. Speaking of Kobe himself, DeRozan said that in the summer after that, he trained with Kobe and learned valuable experience from Kobe, which he enjoyed extremely.
DeRozan’s skills were shaped by the star Kobe. Kobe was also very generous to DeRozan and sponsored his college team. DeRozan said that his basketball skills and even basketball To some extent, his career was shaped by Kobe. Kobe’s influence on him was so profound. DeRozan explained his friendship with Kobe in detail. Only then did we finally understand why after Kobe’s sudden death, DeRozan Zan was hit so hard. He was still playing for the Spurs at that time. After hearing the news, he stayed on the spot and couldn't react. In the subsequent games, he was in no condition and was completely confused.
DeRozan's skills were shaped by the star Kobe. Kobe's death is still painful in DeRozan's heart, but he can only turn his grief into motivation and move on. I believe that although Kobe He has left us, but Kobe will always be in DeRozan's heart and become his motivation to keep moving forward. DeRozan will definitely get better and better and will not disappoint Kobe's high expectations for him. Let us wait and see.