What is the file format of mobile phone so? How to open it?
These are some runtime library files of the mobile phone. In the system lib folder, replacement and transplantation of programs for other systems also need to modify and replace related so files; without them, the system software cannot run, and which part is damaged will affect the relative performance. Functions, phone calls, address books, cameras, etc. all depend on the use of so files. I forgot one thing: the so file needs to be modified by a senior Android master. It is usually a ready-made porting and transplantation. There is no point in opening it.
Which side of the water meter so switch is on?
The left side is open, the valve o (i.e. open) is open, and the valve s (i.e. shut) is closed. There is an arrow pointing to SO on the water meter valve, and it can be opened in the direction of the arrow.
A water meter is an instrument that measures water flow. Most of them measure the cumulative flow of water. They are generally divided into two categories: volumetric water meters and velocity water meters. They originated in the United Kingdom and have been developed for nearly two hundred years. History
How to use ida to dynamically debug the functions in the apk before it is executed?
Android phones use ida to dynamically debug the function methods in the so before the apk is executed. 11. Unpack the other party's APK and insert one: corresponding SMALI: android.os.SystemClock.sleep(20000); const-wide /16v0,0x2710#20 seconds invoke-static{v0,v(X-1)},Landroid/os/SystemClock;->sleep(J)V here (X-1) corresponds to .localX. 2 In addition, some packages have signature protection in the SO you want to debug. Anyway, after you repackage, the program will crash. This is more difficult to modify than JAVA. It is recommended that you use that signature vulnerability to package. In fact, I also encountered this when debugging that SO, and then I just added a delay function embedded in the package with a signature vulnerability. Method 21) amstart-D-n package name/class name; 2) IDAproattach process, set up a new thread, breakpoint when loading so, continue; 3) Open ddms, check the debugging port, jdbattachport; 4) This time it should have broken in the new thread , or load the so, stop at the so you are interested in; 5) Also use ida to open so, check the function offset you are interested in, add the base address of the so you are interested in, set a breakpoint, and continue , and you're done. Note: ida6.1 does not work under Windows, but ida6.4 does under Linux. I don’t know if it is a problem with ida or Windows. You can test it with wine under Linux. The experience content is for reference only. If you need to solve specific problems (especially in the fields of law, medicine, etc.), it is recommended that you detailed
How to open the iso system?
1 Download and install the virtual optical drive (winrar) 2 Download the ISO image file 3 Right-click the iso image file, click Extract to Current (E), double-click the decompressed file, and open the installation file for hard disk installation.
How to solve the problem that libstdc++.so.5 does not exist under Linux?
There is an error loading the shared file libstdc++.so.5
libstdc++.so.5 is actually brought by gcc-3.3
But some are newer The version uses gcc-3.4
libstdc++.so.5 was replaced by libstdc++.so.6
Install gcc-3.3< /p>
And delete gcc-3.4