According to Sui Shu and Zi Tongzhi Jian, when Wendi was seriously ill in Renshou Palace, Crown Prince Yang Guang and Mrs Xuanhua followed Taigong. One day, Mrs. Xuanhua went out to change clothes. Yang Guang wanted to flirt with her, but she refused. When she returned to the bedroom, she looked different. Wendi was surprised and asked her why. She cried and said, "The prince is rude."
When Emperor Wen learned the truth, he was furious: "How can this beast bear the great responsibility! Dugu really hurts me! " Then he called Liu Shu, minister of the Ministry of War, and Yan Yuan, assistant minister of Huangmen, to recall the abandoned Prince Yong Yang, intending to abolish Yang Guang. When Su Yang knew this, he told the prince about it. The prince imprisoned Yan Yuan and Liu Shu, replaced Gong Suwei with the confidant of the East Palace, and sent envoys into the emperor's bedroom to drive the palace people to other places. Soon, news of Wendi's death came out.
Mrs. Xuanhua and the people in the palace were very scared when they knew that something had happened. Soon, the prince sent a messenger to bring her a gold box and personally added a signature seal. After receiving it, she was afraid that the prince would send poison to her to die, so she dared not open it. The messenger kept urging her. She opened the box and found several concentric knots in it.
The people in the palace settled down and thought they had finally saved their lives. However, Mrs. Xuanhua was quite unhappy about this and refused to thank her. The people in the palace forced her, and she finally thanked the messenger. That night, Yang Guang had sex with him.
After the death of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, Mrs. Xuanhua left Xiandu Palace following the system of concubines' keeping festivals, but was later called into Daxing Palace by Yang Di and became his wife.
The end of Mrs. Xuanhua's family:
Mrs. Xuanhua's mother Shi gave birth to three children, Ao, Xing and Chen. After entering the Sui Dynasty, Shi's two sons were sent to the remote border areas in the northwest of the Sui Dynasty by Emperor Wen, and they made a living by farming under the supervision of the Sui government.
In the second year of the great cause, Chen Gui, the niece and daughter of Chen Guiren, was favored by the emperor, and Mrs. Xuanhua's two brothers returned to Beijing with the Chen royal family. ?
Mrs. Xuanhua died about two years ago at the age of 29. My brother Chen Shuxing died in Daye for three years, and his wife Shen Shi died in Daye for four years, at the age of 33. Shi, the mother of five years, also followed a pair of children and daughter-in-law to drive the crane westward.