1. Wechat nicknames
An easy-to-remember name is very important. It can be a loud and simple nickname, a brand positioning+real name, or a name+positioning. Every time you appear in a circle of friends, it means strengthening everyone's memory of a certain field.
try not to use Arabic numerals or English letters, which are not easy to remember or search.
2. Professional head portrait
Choosing a real-life photo with affinity and professional matching can increase trust.
Would anyone like to buy something from someone like me whose head is a small animal or a landscape photo in an unfamiliar situation?
3. Background image
A background image is an advertising wall to show yourself. It can be a professional achievement display or identity achievement related to positioning, which can deepen understanding and trust.
4. Personal signature
It can be your future expectation, your major, or your determination to help others achieve their own goals. You must be positive and optimistic.
In ancient times, Four Treasures of the Study helped calligraphy and painting, but now there is a four-piece professional orientation of friends circle. In short, starting from the four sets of WeChat nicknames, professional avatars, background display and personalized signatures to build a facade, show yourself and gain trust will help you get better results.