Add background: URL (t {color: # 33333; Line height: 20pxfont-size:14px; Border: 1px dotted line # 090688; Background: # Ffffff padding:10px; }
# m _ blog div . CNT { color:# 808080; Line height: 20px font size:16px; Border-top:2px dotted line #1dc01d; Border-bottom:2px dotted line #1dc01d; Border-left:2px dotted line #1dc01d; Border-right:2px dotted line #1dc01d; Fill-Right:10px; Left padding:10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px; Fill-bottom:10px; }
Dotted line: dotted line
Dotted line: dotted line
Double: double-line border
Groove: three-dimensional groove
Ridge: diamond boundary
Illustration: 3D concave edge
Start: 3D convex edge
/* Foreground image transparency setting */
Filter: alpha (opacity =90, completion ability = 100, style =0,)
/* Player */
# phx { FILTER:Alpha(Opacity = 100,FinishOpacity = 60,Style=2,StartX=20,StartY=40,FinishX=0,FinishY = 0)Invert(); Width: 224px height: 200px}
invert(); The filtering effect can be changed.
/* The player does not display, which does not affect music playback */
Add #mod_bgmusic{display:none}
/* Log background */
#m_blog.modbox{background:url (picture)}
Or #m_blog div.cnt{background:url (picture) repeat/* picture */color: # 666666; Line height: 20pxfont-size: 14px}
/* Scroll bar */
# m _ blog { scroll bar-face-color:# e 100 e 1;
Scroll bar-shadow-color: maroon;
Scroll bar-highlight-color: white;
scroll bar-3d light-color:# e 100 e 1;
scroll bar-dark shadow-color:# e 100 e 1;
Scroll bar-arrow-color: # e100e1;
Scroll bar-primary color: # e100e1;
Scroll bar-track-color: # e100e1;
Overflow -y: automatic; Height:1330px;
Filter: chroma (color=#E 100E 1)}
/* Remove the horizontal scroll bar */
Add overflow -x: hide;
/* It is forbidden to select the right mouse button special effect */
Background: url('javascript:
document . oncontextmenu = new Function(" event . return value = false;" );
document . onselectstart = new Function(" event . return value = false;" );
document . oncontextmenu = new Function(" event . return value = false;" ); No right mouse button
document . onselectstart = new Function(" event . return value = false;" )
Do not select/* mouse touch button to sink */
Add location: relative to a: hover {}; Left: 2pxtop:1px; clip:rect();
/* popup window */
#comm_info and #comm_info a replace # comm _ infoa {color: # d7b18bender:1pxsolid # 000000; Fill:10px; Background-image: URL ('JavaScript: alert'); ' )}
#comm_info{} or #m_links div.item{}
Background: URL (JavaScript: alert ()) Welcome to Zero One, and then change it to the code above. Note: to change the address to your local address, you can go to T.
Just change the value after color:# to your color, and FFFFFF is white.
13: module transparency
By the way. modbox,。 modbl,。 modbc,。 Modbr {after filter: alpha (opacity = 80), mod-moz- opacity: 0.8; Width: automatic! Important; Width: 100%}