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Sakura High School ホスト部アニメ2 phase production hope
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インテージ Co., Ltd.
※Is the company a company or a company? Local government? The largest survey company in the country that conducts surveys upon request from research institutions, etc.
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From the land operator Notice---------------------------------
Change the world! Click activities also work together!
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Do you know the sister site of Signature TV, "イーココロ!"?
You can raise money by clicking and shopping to solve various problems in the world for free.
●Click Fundraising
Only click will raise 1 yen for free from NGOs/NPOs!
Hunger, poverty, environment, war, human problems, etc.
In this world, there are many problems that should be solved, but for such problems, can we participate from one click? Then we can work together.
You can raise funds from NGOs/NPOs through shopping, information requests, etc.
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Operating company: ユナイテッドピープル Co., Ltd.
[em]e100[/em] smile
[em]e101[/em] curl your lips
[em]e103[/em] in a daze
[em]e104[/em] pro