The drive installation may fail.
There may be a problem with the plug-in, so you can reinstall the plug-in.
The machine is out of order and can only be repaired.
Other possible problems in the tax control panel.
1. What parameters should I set for the first use?
Answer: The IP address and port number of the real-time invoice uploading service deployed by the local office need to be set for the first login.
The setting operation is: log in to the system, click "System Settings-Parameter Settings", select the online newspaper copy, and set the corresponding parameters.
Service authentication mode: two-way SSL authentication
Server address:
Server port: 800 1
If some taxpayers use proxy to surf the Internet, they need to set proxy server parameters.
Some special enterprises do not need to set parameters, because special enterprises are not allowed to use the network to transmit all kinds of invoice data, and even if parameters are set, they cannot upload all kinds of operations.
2. What is the reason for the prompt "Invoicing failed: time and amount of offline invoicing exceeded (09d 1 1f)" when invoicing?
Answer: This is because some invoices have not been uploaded, and the offline duration or offline total amount of the invoices that have not been uploaded exceeds the regulations, so the invoicing operation can no longer be performed. Taxpayers need to connect to the Internet, click "System Settings/Parameter Settings/Manually Upload Invoice Details", and then all invoices that have not been uploaded can be invoiced normally. Uploaded invoices can be queried in the Uploaded Invoice Query module.
3. Where can I check the limited duration and amount of offline invoicing?
Answer: The offline invoicing duration and offline accumulated amount can be viewed in "Tax Reporting Processing-Status Query". Taxpayers who need to modify the offline billing time and accumulated amount need to go to the tax office.
4. Copy the newspaper online and click the prompt "Only the levy period can copy the newspaper!" What is the reason? Allow tax-free return?
A: In this billing system, online newspaper copying is restricted, and only taxpayers are allowed to copy tax.
If taxpayers need to buy invoices or for other reasons, they need to declare the unpaid tax, and they need to bring the tax control panel to the lobby to copy the unpaid tax.
5. What is the reason for the prompt "Invoice not uploaded" when copying newspapers online?
A: In the upgraded version of the interconnection invoicing software, the invoice face information is directly uploaded to the local office in real time through the Internet. Therefore, when copying taxes online, you need to upload all the invoices issued last month successfully before you can copy taxes online and unlock the tax control panel. If prompted, taxpayers need to click "System Settings-Network Configuration" and "Upload Invoice Details Manually" to upload invoices that have not been uploaded. After all invoices are uploaded successfully, you can re-execute the online newspaper copying operation.
6. The online newspaper was copied successfully. What is the reason for the prompt "One window comparison failed" when writing the monitoring information backwards?
A: In this billing system, a window comparison function is added when monitoring information is written back. If the taxpayer fails to declare or the declared data is inconsistent with the copied data, it will prompt "one window comparison failed" when writing back. Taxpayers need to declare or check the data in the declaration form first, and then the monitoring information can be successfully written back after the declaration is successful and the comparison is consistent.
7. How to issue a red notice of invoice? No red letter notice?
A: In the upgraded version of the inter-billing software, all red-ink invoice notices are changed to red-ink invoice information tables, and the names are changed, and the issuance methods remain unchanged.
8. What changes have been made to the scarlet letter notice?
Answer: 1. The names of "notice" and "announcement" are changed to "information table";
2. In the networked state, taxpayers can directly fill in the scarlet letter information form and click the upload button, and the red letter information form will be automatically or manually reviewed after the approval of this bureau. Taxpayers can directly download the scarlet letter information table for issuing special VAT tickets or the scarlet letter information table for freight VAT invoices through the "scarlet letter information table review and download" module, without going to the tax hall every time, which simplifies the process of issuing scarlet letter invoices for taxpayers.
9. When printing the invoice, the prompt "Invoice signature failed, please ensure that the invoice is invalid after printing" is given. What is the reason and how to deal with it?
Answer: This prompt appears because after the invoice is issued, the signature verification of the tax digital certificate fails when saving the data on the disk, and the taxpayer can void the invoice in the invoice query.
10. When logging in or using the billing system, a prompt will pop up: "We have detected that the invoice is unqualified, please go to [Unqualified Invoice Query] to void it!" What is the reason and how to deal with it?
A: This prompt appears because after the invoice issued by the taxpayer is uploaded to the tax authorities, the tax authorities will compare the uploaded data. If the data is inconsistent, a prompt message will be returned. Taxpayers need to enter "Invoice Management/Invoice Voiding Management/Invoices with Failed Verification" to void invoices.
Note: If this error occurs in multiple invoices, the tax control panel will automatically lock, and taxpayers are not allowed to issue invoices again. Taxpayers need to bring the tax control panel to the tax hall for handling.
1 1. Monitoring information cannot be written to disk, and the clock cannot be calibrated. Please fill in the tax return of 09d 1 18 again.
Answer: Check whether the billing deadline in the interface is changed to next month's tax period. The change description was successfully updated, but no action was taken. If there are no changes, click Report Summary-Update again.
12. When copying newspapers online, it is prompted that "tax copying is not allowed during the non-levy period"
Answer: Check whether the billing deadline in the interface is changed to the tax period of next month. The change description was successfully updated, but no action was taken. If the billing deadline has not changed, please exit the billing software and re-enter the billing software.
13. Message copy prompt: the server returned null or the network communication was abnormal.
Answer: Click System Settings-System Parameter Settings-Parameter Settings-Network Configuration-Check whether the server address and port are correct (server address:, port: 800 1) and then test the connection. If the prompt is successful, then copy the newspaper online.
14. Prompt during reverse writing: Single window comparison failed. Taxpayers do not have anti-counterfeiting tax control declaration comparison information.
A: There is no successful deduction in the tax filing software. After the successful declaration, you can only click Write Back.