> \"Exam\" is the end " />
Lonely "Who can be a sportsman?".
< Quiet and simple, that's enough. >
People say that the sunshine is beautiful.
but people don't say that the more beautiful things hurt people.
‐-> > "Exam" is the end of the world.
Who made a mistake? Don't want to face the reality!
- how much does it hurt to smile and hide behind your back?
╭ァゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞゞ1244 Ridiculous
Xiangfan style, forgetting
tasting loneliness
つ, having finished
unfinished songs ╮
pain, memories
tears, like rain
feeling lonely