Every person arriving in the United States, whether they are K1, CR1, a U.S. citizen or a tourist holding a tourist visa, must fill in a customs declaration form
How to fill in the customs declaration form (Chinese and English): Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (onlyONE written declaration per family is required): Each tourist entering the United States or the head of a family must provide the following data (one family only needs to declare one copy): 1. Family Name: ______First (Given) First name______Middle______ 2.Birthdate Date of birth: Day________Month________Year________ 3.Number of family members traveling with you〈Number of family members traveling with you〉: 4.a.U.S.streetaddress(hotelname/destination):〈Residing in the United States Address (hotel name/destination>: b.City〈city〉 c.State〈state〉 5.Passportissueby(country): 〈Passport-issuing country〉 6.Passportnumber: 〈Passport number〉 7.CountryofResidence: 〈Country of residence〉 8 .CountriesvisitedonthistrippriortoU.S.arrival:〈Countries visited before coming to the United States during this trip〉 9.Airline/FlightNo.orVesselName:〈Airline/flight number or ship name〉: 10.TheprimarypurposeofthistripisBUSINESS○YES○NO〈This trip The purpose is mainly business ○Yes○No〉 11.Iam(Weare)bringing:〈I (we) carry〉: a.fruits,vegetables,plants,seeds,food,insects:YesNo〈Fruits, plants, food or insects? Yes〉 b.meats,animals,animal/wildlifeproducts: YesNo〈Meat, animals or animal/wildlife products? Yes〉 c.diseaseagents, cellcultures, snails: YesNo〈Pathogens, cell cultures or snails? Yes〉 d.soilorhavebeenonafarm? /ranch/pasture:YesNo〈Soil or Have you ever been to a farm or ranch outside the United States? 12.Ihave(Wehave)beenincloseproximityof(suchastouchingorhandling)livestockoutside:YesNo〈I have (we have) close proximity (such as touching or touching) )Livestock○Yes○No? 〉 13.Iam(Weare)carryingcurrencyormonetaryinstrumentsover$10,000U.S.or the foreign equivalent.○YES○NO 〈Are you carrying cash or belongings worth more than 10,000 US dollars or the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars in foreign currency? Yes ○No〉 15.Residents-thetotalvalueoffallgood,includingcommercialmerchandiseI/Wehavepurchasedoracquiredabroad,(includinggiftsforsomeoneelse,butnotitemsmailedtotheU.S.)andam/arebringingtotheU.S.is:〈US residents-all the items we bring into the United States (including goods and gifts, but not mailed in) The total value of items that will remain in the U.S. is: Visitors-the total value of articles that will remain in the U.S., including commercial merchandise is: Read the instruction on the back of this form. Space is provided to list all the items you must declare. , please list the items that need to be declared in the space> IHAVEREADTHEIMPORTANTINFORMATIONONTHEREVERSESIDEOFTHISFORMANDHAVEMADEATRUTHFULDECLARATION.〈I have read the instructions on the back and have declared the actual information〉Signature; Date (day/month/year)〈Signature and date (day/month/year) )〉