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How do I fill out the U.S. Customs Declaration Form?

Every person arriving in the United States, whether they are K1, CR1, a U.S. citizen or a tourist holding a tourist visa, must fill in a customs declaration form . A family only needs to fill out one customs declaration form. declaration form. Please report the truth when filling out the customs application form, because U.S. customs officers sometimes randomly check the luggage of incoming passengers. If the things you bring are found to be unreported, the customs can confiscate your belongings according to law and keep them. Bad record. When you enter the United States again in the future, your luggage may be inspected every time.

How to fill in the customs declaration form (Chinese and English): Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (onlyONE written declaration per family is required): Each tourist entering the United States or the head of a family must provide the following data (one family only needs to declare one copy): 1. Family Name: ______First (Given) First name______Middle______ 2.Birthdate Date of birth: Day________Month________Year________ 3.Number of family members traveling with you〈Number of family members traveling with you〉: 4.a.U.S.streetaddress(hotelname/destination):〈Residing in the United States Address (hotel name/destination>: b.City〈city〉 c.State〈state〉 5.Passportissueby(country): 〈Passport-issuing country〉 6.Passportnumber: 〈Passport number〉 7.CountryofResidence: 〈Country of residence〉 8 .CountriesvisitedonthistrippriortoU.S.arrival:〈Countries visited before coming to the United States during this trip〉 9.Airline/FlightNo.orVesselName:〈Airline/flight number or ship name〉: 10.TheprimarypurposeofthistripisBUSINESS○YES○NO〈This trip The purpose is mainly business ○Yes○No〉 11.Iam(Weare)bringing:〈I (we) carry〉: a.fruits,vegetables,plants,seeds,food,insects:YesNo〈Fruits, plants, food or insects? Yes〉 b.meats,animals,animal/wildlifeproducts: YesNo〈Meat, animals or animal/wildlife products? Yes〉 c.diseaseagents, cellcultures, snails: YesNo〈Pathogens, cell cultures or snails? Yes〉 d.soilorhavebeenonafarm? /ranch/pasture:YesNo〈Soil or Have you ever been to a farm or ranch outside the United States? 12.Ihave(Wehave)beenincloseproximityof(suchastouchingorhandling)livestockoutside:YesNo〈I have (we have) close proximity (such as touching or touching) )Livestock○Yes○No? 〉 13.Iam(Weare)carryingcurrencyormonetaryinstrumentsover$10,000U.S.or the foreign equivalent.○YES○NO 〈Are you carrying cash or belongings worth more than 10,000 US dollars or the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars in foreign currency? Yes ○No〉 15.Residents-thetotalvalueoffallgood,includingcommercialmerchandiseI/Wehavepurchasedoracquiredabroad,(includinggiftsforsomeoneelse,butnotitemsmailedtotheU.S.)andam/〈US residents-all the items we bring into the United States (including goods and gifts, but not mailed in) The total value of items that will remain in the U.S. is: Visitors-the total value of articles that will remain in the U.S., including commercial merchandise is: Read the instruction on the back of this form. Space is provided to list all the items you must declare. , please list the items that need to be declared in the space> IHAVEREADTHEIMPORTANTINFORMATIONONTHEREVERSESIDEOFTHISFORMANDHAVEMADEATRUTHFULDECLARATION.〈I have read the instructions on the back and have declared the actual information〉Signature; Date (day/month/year)〈Signature and date (day/month/year) )〉