Your personalized signature is too long and too many words, which exceeds the limit.
If the above reasons are excluded, it must be that there are sensitive words in your personality signature, that is, forbidden words. Please check for yourself.
How to set qq personalized signature
Click to open mobile qq. After logging in to mobile qq, it will be in the "message" interface, and then click to enter the "dynamic" interface.
Click Open to enter the "Dynamic" interface, and find "Friends Dynamic" in the upper left corner of the page. When you find it, click Open.
Click Open to enter the "Friends News" page, and then click Open your avatar on the "Friends News" page.
Click on your avatar in "Friends News" and you will enter the "My Space" interface. In this interface, continue to click on your avatar.
After clicking on your avatar in the "My Space" interface, you will enter your own qq personal center. Locate "Personal Signature" and click Open.
After finding and clicking "Personalized Signature", you can enter the text you want to enter in the personalized signature.
Click "Publish" in the upper right corner after the text input is completed. If you want to modify the personalized signature in the future, you can also modify it through this path.