Making Technology of Handwritten Font Signature Watermark
1. First, you need to write your own signature. It's best to use a pen and paper with high contrast, such as black characters on a white background or red and blue characters, and then take a photo. Press Ctrl+O in Photoshop to open the photo:
2. After opening the photo, press Ctrl+M to bring up the curve, and pull the curve up or down to brighten or darken the photo, so that the text and background can reach the maximum contrast:
3. After contrast adjustment, there are many ways to cut the text, and the most convenient way is to calculate the magic wand and channel.
1) Use magic wand to cut graphics.
Click the magic wand tool in the toolbar on the left:
After selecting the magic wand tool, set the tolerance in the option bar above according to the specific situation. The more obvious the contrast, the smaller the tolerance and the greater the impurity. Click on the background after the setting is completed, and the selection will appear:
At this point, the selection range is the background. If you want to change it to text, press Ctrl+Shift+I to reverse the selection, and the text will be selected (or directly select the text with the magic wand in the previous step, but it is more convenient to fine-tune the background first):
After selecting the text, press Ctrl+N to create a new canvas. This time the size is similar to your handwriting, about 3000*2000, and the background is still transparent. Make sure to create a new canvas:
Return to the photo, or use the move tool on the left (the mouse icon at the top of the left column) to drag the text in the selection to a new canvas:
At this time, the candidate words are successful, and then the words can be manipulated on the canvas. If you want to change the color, you can fill it directly with the paint bucket tool on the left. The color is the foreground color, which can be selected. Click the paint bucket, click the foreground color, select the color in the color picker, click the paint bucket tool, and increase the tolerance in the option bar above. 100 is enough. Click the text, and then the text will change color (personally, I think the watermark will look good in black and white):
If you want other special effects, click on the layer on the right above and add special effects to the text with the blending option.
At this time, the watermark is still too big to use. Press Alt+I+I to change the canvas size, or set it to n00*n00:
2) Channel font
This method is suitable for photos with more variegated colors, and of course it is more convenient in the case of contrast.
After opening the photo, press Ctrl+M to bring up the curve, or press Adjust to make the contrast clear. The difference is that the channel is used next. After adjusting the curve, click the channel on the right. At this time, you can see that the text you want to dig is indistinguishable from the background. If it is not clear, you can continue to use the curve adjustment until it is black and white. Then directly click on the dotted circle below (load the channel as a choice):
Then the background becomes the selection area. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to reverse the selection, and the text is selected:
4. Adjust the watermark after word cutting and use the watermark as above.
Supplement: Shortcut Skills Commonly Used in ps Toolbox
Rectangular and oval box selection tool m
Moving tool v
Lasso, polygonal lasso, magnetic lasso
Magic wand tool w
Cutting tool c
Slice tool, slice selection tool k
Spray gun tool j
Brush tool, pencil tool b
Like leather stamps, pattern stamps.
History brush tool, art history brush y
Like eraser, background eraser, magic eraser e
Gradient tool, paint bucket tool g
Blur, sharpen and smear tool r
Lighting, deepening and sponge tools
Path selection tool, directly select tool A.
Text tool t
Pen, free pen p
Rectangle, rectangle with round edges, ellipse, polygon, straight line u
Wordpad, voice prompt n
Straw, color sampler, measuring tool I
Grab tool h
Zoom tool z
Default foreground and background color d
Toggles the foreground and background colors.
Switch standard mode and fast mask mode q
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode f
Jump to Ctrl+Shift+M in ImageReady3.0.
Temporarily use the mobile tool Ctrl.
Temporary use of color absorption tool Alt
Temporary use of fixture tool space
Quickly enter tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel) 0 to 9.
Cycle to select a brush [or]
Create a new gradient (in? Gradient editor? Medium) Ctrl+N
Related reading: practical skills for ps entry
The first item: the movement of the picture
Ctrl+ scroll wheel page moves left and right.
Shift+ scroll wheel to page up and down.
Alt+ scroll wheel page zoom in and out.
Space bar+left key to turn pages freely.
The space+right button page quickly becomes the actual size of 100% and adapts to the viewing angle of the full screen (it can also be controlled by ctrl+ 0 and 1 of the keyboard).
Item 2: Layer Operation
Actrl+j quickly copies the selected layer. .
Ctrl+e merges the selected layers. .
Ctrl+shift+e merges visible layers. .
Ctrl+shift+alt+e Poke the layer (that is, merge all visible layers below the selected layer, and then become a new independent layer. The merged layers are preserved. )。
Ctrl+alt+e copies the pixel content of the selected layer to the layer next to the bottom. Adjacent layers need to be visible.