The government of the beautiful new world has even abolished the concept of family, and we will not hesitate to stop the reproduction of children, because families and each other are closely related to property. Without a family, everyone belongs to one person, and everyone's wishes can be easily satisfied. In the ruler's view, to eliminate this unstable factor, I think that the social state described in the beautiful new world is more likely to be the realization of many utopian ideas or more realistic ideas, because it has achieved a good balance between altruism and egoism.
So-called? What are you thinking? We know that altruism is an important part of human nature, so people's moral intuition and altruism are closely related to a great extent. The above is the result of evolution, so such social slogans satisfy people's moral sense in society. On the one hand, they can help people to complete the construction of social identity and self-existence value. At the same time, complete altruism is naturally unrealistic, and the selfishness buried in their hearts naturally has a catharsis effect, but if desire is allowed to breed.
That is undoubtedly not conducive to the establishment of a stable social order, so the rulers are selective, and this desire seems to be very low-level and controllable. As for why they choose selectivity instead of other choices, perhaps, as Gao Zan said, it also inhibits many educational contacts and hinders people's consciousness, so people's spiritual needs can be reduced to meet their physiological needs to the greatest extent, and they can find sexual and soothing support. Without other desires, social stability is guaranteed, and open sex life also avoids the birth of love or family.