The marriage of rural people is an important social event, which not only represents the marriage of two people, but also symbolizes the marriage of two families. In the wedding ceremony, there are many rituals to be followed, such as worshipping the church, drinking a glass of wine, worshiping heaven and earth, and worshiping ancestors. All actions should follow traditional etiquette to show respect and respect. At the same time, the marriage of rural people is also a social activity and an important occasion to show their wealth and status.
The significance of rural marriage lies not only in the ceremony on the wedding day, but also in the commitment and responsibility between two people. The slogan of rural people's marriage is "lifelong", which means that they promise to be together forever. In rural society, marriage is the cornerstone of family continuity and the foundation for the stable development of rural society. Therefore, the marriage of rural people is of great significance and an important part of rural culture.