Later, Wang Yuwen's friends broke a group of chat records between her and Wang Yuwen. Their remarks seemed to make them very depressed, and even called Wang Yuwen stupid and not too angry. Wang Yuwen gave her such an evaluation after asking a friend to help her promote the new film. We had to let our Wang Yuwen call and delete it. Wang Yuwen's friend saw her movie, starring Bai Ke and Lan Yingying.
He made such an evaluation of her and went to the cinema to see the beautiful Lingcai. She is really beautiful. That movie is really beautiful, but the actress may be a little stupid, but I think she must be a good friend to make such a joke. This kind of fun is indispensable in our life. But after his friend's evaluation, when you see Wang Yuwen, you will shout at the first time and delete the last sentence.
Because the publicity has been released, when can you marry me? Wang Yuwen and Chen Hong have a good relationship, so it's hard to find them. However, these words have not been deleted for a long time. Although our little flower Wang Yuwen is new here, everyone calls him. Friends who have seen her play vividly say that this kind of performance can be like Guan Xiaotong in three years, but I don't think you need to be like Guan Xiaotong. Just focus on acting and be yourself. Wang Yuwen is ok by himself. She doesn't need to see anyone else.
Every artist has his own unique style and route, and it is most important to be the most authentic artist. In the play, everyone should have seen the play, which means that Wang Yuwen cooperated with Dong Xuan, Angel and Ray Ma. In the TV series The Secrets of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Jie was also well played by our Wang Yuwen. As the daughter of Cao Cao, she is a girl with both civil and military skills. She can be the daughter of a handsome sword-wielding general or the daughter of a dignified and charming girl.