Due to the rapid development of science and technology, human beings can transform and utilize the environment on an unprecedented scale. The two aspects of human environment, natural and man-made, are crucial to human happiness and enjoyment of basic human rights, even the right to life itself.
Protecting and improving the human environment is an important issue related to people's happiness and economic development all over the world. This is also the urgent hope of people all over the world and the responsibility of governments.
(3) In modern times, if human beings transform the environment wisely, they can bring benefits to people of all countries and improve their quality of life; If used improperly, it will cause immeasurable damage to human beings and human environment.
④ In developing countries, most environmental problems are caused by underdevelopment, so we must devote ourselves to development; In industrialized countries, environmental problems are usually related to industrialization and technological development.
⑤ Natural population growth brings some problems to environmental protection, but it can be solved by adopting appropriate policies and measures.
When dealing with actions around the world, we must consider their impact on the environment more carefully. Protecting and improving the human environment for modern people and future generations has become an urgent goal of mankind. This goal will be achieved under the coordination of the two basic goals of world peace and economic and social development.
⑦ In order to achieve this environmental goal, people, organizations, enterprises and institutions at all levels are required to shoulder their respective responsibilities and make joint efforts. Governments at all levels should bear the greatest responsibility. Countries should cooperate extensively and international organizations should take actions to seek common interests. The meeting called on all governments and people to work together for the benefit of all people and their descendants.
Twenty-six principles based on these viewpoints include: human rights and obligations to protect the environment, protecting and rationally utilizing various natural resources, preventing and controlling pollution, promoting economic and social development, coordinating development with environmental protection and improvement, raising funds, assisting developing countries, planning and planning environmental development and protection, implementing appropriate population policies, developing environmental science, technology and education, destroying nuclear weapons and all other means of mass destruction, and strengthening. These principles affirm the belief of * * * *:
1. Human beings have the right to enjoy the basic rights of freedom, equality and adequate living conditions in a dignified and well-being living environment, and have the solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment of this generation and future generations. In this regard, the policy of advocating or maintaining apartheid, apartheid and discrimination, colonialism and other forms of oppression and foreign comrades should be condemned and must be eliminated.
2. For the benefit of present and future generations, the natural resources on earth, including air, water, land, plants and animals, especially the representative specimens in natural ecology, must be protected through careful planning or proper management.
If possible, the earth's ability to produce very important renewable resources must be protected, restored or improved.
4. Human beings have a special responsibility to protect and properly manage the offspring and origin of wild animals that are seriously endangered due to various unfavorable factors. Therefore, when planning economic development, we must protect nature, including wild animals.
When using the earth's non-renewable resources, we must prevent the danger of exhausting these resources in the future, and we must ensure that all mankind can share the benefits brought by this use.
6. In order to ensure that the ecological environment will not be seriously or irretrievably damaged, it is necessary to prevent the quantity or concentration of toxic substances or other substances from exceeding the environment's ability to make them harmless when removing and dissipating heat. The just struggle of people of all countries against pollution should be supported.
7. All countries should take all possible steps to prevent the ocean from being polluted by substances that are harmful to human health, harmful to living resources and the comfortable environment of marine life, or hinder other legitimate uses of the ocean.
8. In order to ensure a good living and working environment for human beings and create necessary conditions for improving the quality of life on earth, economy and development are very necessary.
9. The environmental damage caused by underdevelopment and natural disasters has caused serious problems. The best way to overcome these problems is to transfer a lot of financial and technical assistance to support the domestic efforts of developing countries and provide timely assistance that may be needed to accelerate development.
10. For developing countries, it is necessary to make primary products and raw materials have stable prices and appropriate income, because economic factors and ecological processes must be considered.
1 1. The environmental policies of all countries should be improved, which should not damage the existing or future development potential of developing countries, nor hinder the improvement of people's living conditions. Countries and international organizations should take appropriate steps to reach an agreement on the possible domestic or international economic consequences of implementing environmental measures.
12. funds should be raised to maintain and improve the environment, taking into account the actual situation and particularity of developing countries, any expenses incurred by them in incorporating environmental protection projects into their development plans, and the need to provide additional international technical and financial assistance at their request.
Commemorative stamps of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
13. In order to achieve more rational resource management and improve the environment, all countries should adopt a unified and coordinated approach to their development plans to ensure that development meets the needs of protecting and improving the human environment and benefits the people.
14. Reasonable planning meets the needs of coordinated development and environmental protection and improvement.
15. It is necessary to plan human settlements and urbanization to avoid adverse effects on the environment and achieve the greatest social, economic and environmental benefits for everyone. In this regard, projects aimed at colonial and racist domination must be stopped.
16. In areas where the population growth rate or excessive concentration may adversely affect the environment or development, or in areas where the population density is too low, it may hinder the improvement of the human environment and hinder development, population policies that do not harm basic human rights and that the relevant government deems appropriate should be adopted.
17. Appropriate state organs must be entrusted to plan, manage or supervise the country's environmental resources in order to improve the environmental quality.
18. For the common interests of mankind, science and technology must be applied to identify, avoid and control environmental deterioration and solve environmental problems, thus promoting economic and social development.
19. In order to widely expand the basis for individuals, enterprises and grass-roots society to put forward enlightened opinions and take responsible actions in protecting and improving various human environments, it is necessary to educate the younger generation and adults on environmental issues, and at the same time, we should consider educating those who cannot enjoy legitimate rights and interests.
It is necessary to promote all countries, especially developing countries, to engage in scientific research and development on environmental issues at home and abroad. In this regard, it is necessary to support and promote the free exchange of the latest scientific information and experience in order to solve environmental problems; Environmental technology should be provided to developing countries, provided that it is encouraged to spread widely and does not become an economic burden for developing countries.
2 1. According to the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, every country has its own environmental policy and sovereign right to develop its own resources; They have the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not damage the environment of other countries or areas beyond national jurisdiction.
22. States should cooperate to further develop international law on liability and compensation for victims of environmental pollution and other environmental damage caused by activities within their jurisdiction or control.
23. Without affecting the rules that may be reached by the international community and the standards that must be decided by one country, it is necessary to consider the value system of each country and the feasibility of the standards that are effective for the most advanced countries, but not suitable for developing countries or the social cost is not worthwhile.
International issues related to environmental protection and improvement should be handled by all countries, big or small, on the basis of equality and in the spirit of cooperation. It is necessary to prevent, eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of actions in all aspects on the environment through multilateral or bilateral arrangements or other appropriate forms of cooperation, and effectively control them, while giving due consideration to the sovereignty and interests of all countries.
25. Countries should ensure that international organizations play a coordinated, effective and positive role in protecting and improving the environment.
26. Humanity and its environment must be rid of nuclear weapons and all other means of mass destruction. All countries must strive to reach a speedy agreement on the elimination and thorough destruction of these weapons within the relevant international institutions. (1Adopted in Stockholm on June 5th, 1972)1June, 1972 10, Tang Ke, head of the People's Republic of China (PRC) delegation and vice minister of fuel chemical industry, spoke at the plenary session of the United Nations Human Environment Conference. He pointed out that maintaining and improving the human environment is an important issue related to the life and economic development of people all over the world, and the government and people of China actively supported and hosted the conference. He solemnly declared that it was totally illegal for representatives of South Korea and South Vietnam puppet groups to attend the meeting, and expressed regret that no representative of the German Democratic Republic attended the meeting. He strongly condemned the crimes of U.S. imperialism in brutally killing people, seriously polluting and destroying the environment in the wars of aggression against Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. He also expounded the proposition of the China delegation on maintaining and improving the human environment, exposed the hypocrisy of some people who ignored the superpower's massive manufacture and storage of nuclear weapons, but indiscriminately opposed all nuclear tests, and reiterated the consistent proposition of the China administration on the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.
The full text of Colonel Tangke's speech is as follows:
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen,
First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the delegation of People's Republic of China (PRC), to thank the Swedish government and people, the host country of the conference, for their warm reception. Maintaining and improving the human environment is an important issue related to the life and economic development of people all over the world, and it is the urgent desire of people all over the world. The meeting was held at the initiative of the Swedish government and with the support of many countries. Many countries and many social activists, scholars and experts put forward positive opinions and suggestions on this meeting. The government and people of China actively supported and hosted this meeting. Our delegation is here and is willing to cooperate with you to maintain and improve the human environment and strive for positive results at the conference.
Here, we think it is necessary to solemnly point out that the representatives of the puppet groups of South Korea and South Vietnam cannot represent the Korean and Vietnamese people at all, only the Democratic People's Republic of Korea can represent the Korean people, and only the Democratic People's Republic of Vietnam, South Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government can represent the Vietnamese people. It is totally illegal for representatives of South Korea and South Vietnam puppet groups to attend the meeting. At the same time, we note that the German Democratic Republic is not represented at this meeting, which we regret.
Mr. President, delegates, since the Second World War, American imperialism has tried to dominate the world, invading and interfering everywhere, especially cruelly suppressing the struggle of the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America for and safeguarding national independence. As we all know, in the wars of aggression against Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, the U.S. imperialism, regardless of the opposition of people all over the world, including the American people, not only stepped up its air and sea attacks on the whole of Vietnam, but also became insane, constantly using chemical poisons and poisonous gases in southern Vietnam, Laos and even northern Vietnam. This barbaric atrocity of the United States killed a large number of innocent old people, women and children, and caused unprecedented serious damage to the human environment. Countless houses are in ruins, large areas of fertile land are covered with craters, river water sources are poisoned, forests and crops are destroyed, and some creatures are in danger of extinction. This appalling atrocity of American imperialism cannot but arouse the great indignation of people all over the world and all those who are committed to protecting the human environment.
Ignoring the opposition and condemnation of public opinion at home and abroad, the U.S. government brazenly took a new military adventure in Vietnam, laid mines in the ports of Vietnam's democracy and China, and dispatched large-scale naval and air forces to bomb northern Vietnam, attacking villages, cities, factories, bridges and communication lines. In particular, the rainy season has begun, and the Red River Dam was bombed in an attempt to artificially cause flood disasters. This is a provocation to the Vietnamese people and the people of the world. In old China, under the long-term oppression and plunder of imperialism and its lackeys, the countryside was on the verge of bankruptcy, the industry was very backward, and there was almost no heavy industry of its own. At that time, the people of China were living in extreme poverty, and millions of people were dying. It is impossible to maintain and improve the environment of working people, whose health and hygiene conditions are deteriorating.
Under the wise leadership of the Chinese Productive Party headed by President Mao Zedong, the people of China overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism after a long and heroic struggle, established People's Republic of China (PRC), and turned over and became masters of the country. Since the founding of New China more than 20 years ago, our people have followed the principle of independence and self-reliance, vigorously carried out socialist economic construction, and built a poor and backward old China into a socialist country with initial prosperity. China's industrial and agricultural production is booming, and the output of main industrial and agricultural products has been greatly improved compared with that before liberation. With the development of production, the living standard of our people has been greatly improved compared with that before liberation, and the people's health and sanitary conditions have been significantly improved. According to the principles of overall planning, rational layout, comprehensive utilization, turning harm into benefit, relying on the masses, protecting the environment and benefiting the people, the Chinese government has begun to prevent and eliminate the environmental pollution caused by industrial waste gas, waste liquid and waste residue in a planned way. Over the years, we have carried out mass patriotic health campaigns and tree planting activities to green the motherland, strengthened soil improvement, prevented soil erosion, actively transformed the old city, planned and built new industrial and mining areas, and maintained and improved the human environment. Facts show that as long as the people are masters of their own affairs and the government truly serves the people and cares about their interests, the development of industry can benefit the people and the problems brought about by industrial development can be solved. Here we also want to talk about the relationship between population growth and human environmental protection. We believe that people are the most precious of all things in the world. People have boundless creativity. The development of social production depends on people, the creation of social wealth depends on people, and the improvement of human environment depends on people. Human history has proved that the development speed of production and science and technology always exceeds the growth speed of population. The exploitation and utilization of natural resources are developing continuously. With the development of science and technology, the breadth and depth of human utilization of natural resources will expand day by day. Humans can create more and more wealth to meet their own needs for survival and development. With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, the ability of human beings to transform the environment will continue to increase. Our situation in China can illustrate this point. The population growth rate of China is relatively fast. 1949, with a population of over 500 million; By 1970, the national population had exceeded 700 million. However, because our country drove away the imperialist predators and overthrew the exploitation system, although the population grew rapidly, life did not decline, but gradually improved; The country is not poor, but is moving towards prosperity step by step; The people's living environment is not deteriorating, but gradually improving. Of course, this does not mean that we are in favor of blind population growth. Our government has always advocated family planning, and after years of publicity and education and taking necessary measures, it has begun to receive some results. The view that population growth will bring environmental pollution and destruction and lead to poverty and backwardness is unfounded.
Mr. President, delegates, at present, the international situation continues to develop in a direction that is beneficial to the people of all countries in the world and not conducive to imperialism and reactionaries of all countries. It has become an irresistible historical trend that the country wants independence, the nation wants liberation and the people want revolution. The world must move towards progress and light. Human beings are always developing, and nature is always developing, and will never stop at the same level. Therefore, human beings must constantly sum up experience, discover, invent, create and make progress. Any pessimistic argument, stagnant argument and inaction argument are all wrong. On the issue of human environment, any negative views are groundless. We believe that with the progress of society and the development of science and technology, as long as governments of all countries consider the interests of the people and future generations, rely on the masses and give full play to their role, they will certainly be able to better develop and utilize natural resources, effectively solve the problem of environmental pollution, create good working and living conditions for working people and create a beautiful environment for mankind.
Mr. President, delegates, since the convening of the Human Environment Conference, representatives from many countries have expressed good opinions on maintaining and improving the human environment. Many countries have also put forward positive suggestions and propositions on the Declaration on the Human Environment. The Declaration on the Human Environment is the programmatic document of this environmental conference, and we believe that it should be widely discussed and fully negotiated by the participating countries. The general assembly set up a special working group to discuss the revision of the declaration. We hope to make joint efforts with the representatives of participating countries so that the declaration can fully reflect the opinions and aspirations of participating countries, especially developing countries.
China is still a developing country. The level of science and technology in our country is still not high, and we still lack experience in maintaining and improving the human environment, so we will continue to make greater efforts. We are willing to learn from all the good experiences of countries around the world in maintaining and improving the human environment. We wish this meeting a success.
That's what I'm talking about. Thank you.