1, paving the way, used to emphasize, is the "fu" in the Book of Songs. Han Ruyun: "Fu's words directly paved the way for the good and evil of politics and religion today." Straight books, repeated narratives, can be finished in one sentence, but repeated. At its extreme, it has developed into a style, magnificent, like the home furnishings of nouveau riche. But it seems to be indispensable in general articles.
2. Carving is the basic method of ci and fu creation. There are four ways to elaborate Ci and Fu: scattered, paragraph, progressive and combined. The so-called dissemination method refers to the dissemination of poems or stanzas with the same content to the whole work. Paragraph presentation refers to describing a theme with natural paragraphs in a poem or work. Progressive presentation method refers to the progressive and step-by-step description method when presenting the whole work or the whole paragraph, which is vertical. Parallel presentation refers to the method of depicting the whole work or the whole paragraph from different directions and aspects, so that the depicted object is in a horizontal state.