As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Confucius had put forward the idea of being resolute and vigorous. Attach great importance to the word "help". He said: "fortitude is plain and close to benevolence." Fortitude means firmness. This kind of thinking highly affirms the quality of not grabbing big festivals and thinks that this is a manifestation of fortitude. As the saying goes, "the three armed forces can win the handsome, but the ordinary man can't win the ambition."
Resolute and promising are inseparable. People with ideals and virtue should be resolute, have a sense of historical responsibility and mission of the times. "The Analects of Confucius" said: "A scholar can't help himself. He still has a long way to go. There is no gentleman's thought after death. " This just emphasizes that intellectuals should have morality and indomitable spirit of struggle.
One sport is strong, one sport is strong, one country is strong, and the world is strong. This passage fully shows that the spirit of self-improvement not only played a huge positive role in the period of prosperity and development of our nation. Moreover, in times of national crisis, such as foreign invasion and regime change, it can always be a powerful spiritual force to inspire people to resist aggression and oppression.
Extended data:
The idea of "vigorous and promising" originated from Confucius and was put forward by Zhouyi Zhuan. As an important Confucian classic, Zhouyi "played a decisive role in casting the basic spirit of China culture." "vigorous and promising" means "a gentleman strives for self-improvement; Summary of the spirit of "the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with morality"
"vigorous and promising" is also regarded as the national spirit of the Chinese nation. In the crisis period of the modern Chinese nation, it exerted great spiritual energy and promoted the historical progress of China. Both the idea of "learning from foreigners to control foreigners" put forward after the Opium War and the slogan of "striving for self-improvement" of the Westernization School reflect the spiritual connotation of "vigorous and promising".