-Total population: 2 1 18 Agricultural population: 2 104 Non-agricultural population: 20.
-Administrative area: 10.85 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 5700.0 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: Han and Miao development slogan: develop a harmonious Erdaoyan.
-Villages under its jurisdiction: 7 villagers' groups. Gross output value: 6.8 million yuan.
-Main economic industries: breeding famous and special products: black goats and potatoes. Office location: Group 4, Erdaoyan
Erdaoyan Village is adjacent to Yuanba Village, Baichehe Community, High School Village, Taoyuan Community, Panlong Community, Yingfa Village, Fagong Village and Mucheng Community.
There are tourist attractions such as Yushe National Forest Park, Baichehe Scenic Area, Miluo Scenic Area of Shuicheng County, Daniaodong Scenic Area of Guniu River and Monkey Pass Scenic Area of Liupanshui near Erdaoyan Village, and there are specialties such as Shuicheng Kiwi, Shuicheng Black Goat, Shuicheng Yellow Ginger, Shuicheng Spring Tea and Shuicheng Sour Soup Fish.