Environmental protection: including environmental monitoring management, environmental device operation management, index control, three wastes management and environmental identification.
Patrol rectification: including patrol rectification settings, patrol rectification statistics, patrol rectification record management, patrol rectification statistical analysis, etc.
Equipment management: including equipment basic information management, equipment inspection, equipment maintenance, equipment maintenance, equipment deactivation, equipment recycling and equipment scrapping.
System management: including document record management, internal audit management, external audit management, management review, target indicators, related party management, laws and regulations.
1. Pay attention to customers, employees and society.
Organizations depend on customers, employees and society. Organizations should understand the current and future needs of customers, employees and society, meet the requirements of customers, employees and society, and strive to exceed their expectations.
2. Leadership
Leaders should establish the purpose and direction of organizational unity, and they should create and maintain an internal environment so that employees can fully participate in achieving organizational goals.
3. Full participation
People at all levels are the foundation of the organization. Only with their full participation can their talents bring benefits to the organization.
4. Process method
Managing activities and related resources as processes can achieve the expected results more effectively.
5. System management methods
Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system will help organizations improve the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving their goals.