Zhao Yun, Zi Long, Changshan real person. I remember Liu Bei once said, "The dragon is brave!" I remember Liu Bei saying this in that battle. Liu Bei was defeated and led the army and the people of the whole city to flee. In the chaos, his wife and son were separated. Zhao Yun rode alone to find Dou. Later, in order to save Adou, Zhao Yun fought alone in Cao Cao's camp, killing Cao Jun soldiers to flight, and finally broke through the encirclement and rescued Adou.
When Liu Bei saw Zhao Yun, he threw a bucket on the ground and said, "I almost lost a general for him." Zhao Yun was deeply moved. In the later days, he devoted his life to the Liu family.
However, why was Zhao Yun named as a tooth protector after saving Adou? In fact, the goalkeeper can only be regarded as a partial general, and there is no actual military power. When Liu Bei named the Five Tiger Generals, he named Guan Yu as a former general, Zhang Fei as a riding general, Ma Chao as a left general and Huang Zhong as a post-general. Only Zhao Yun was appointed as a general of the foreign army, and only Zhao Yun had the least actual rights and no relieving power, which was just a slogan. It can be seen that Liu Bei only wants to use Zhao Yun as a bodyguard. As can be seen from the book, Zhao Yun is hardly beside Liu Bei or Zhuge Liang, nor does he go out to fight alone. So Liu Bei wants to tie Zhao Yun to his side, probably because he values Zhao Yun's martial arts!