By June 22nd, 20021year, the number of fans in Weibo had reached 129 108.
In the peace elite game, the GC team was created by the horn, which is the team of the peace elite and the only team with four authentication numbers in the whole network.
At first, Gc was composed of horns, building blocks, hammer brothers and watching mountains. At that time, they were not famous. After playing for a month or two, the building blocks went to the second team and then quit Gc. After the building blocks left, the splash reached the first team. It was also during that time that Gc reached its peak. At that time, Gc, the four popular anchors, and 4logo shocked the whole island to catch people, and the scenery was infinite.
The external reason why Gc can catch fire is that it ate the bonus of a dynamic car, played a very good position in the rankings, and absorbed a lot of heat with its huge flow. The internal reason is the relaxed and happy competition atmosphere in the team at that time, and the live broadcast effect is very good, which can really retain the audience. The Gc hammered out on the hillside can be said to be the most widely known and loved by fans.