Once, his horse ran to the residence of the Hu people for no reason. People came to comfort him for this. The old man said, "Why isn't this a good thing?"
After a few months, the horse came back with the good horse of the conference semifinals. People came to congratulate him. The old man added, "How can this be a bad thing?" There are many good horses in the fortune teller's house. His son likes riding horses, and as a result, he fell off his horse and broke his thigh. People came to comfort him. His father said, "Why isn't this a good thing?"
After a year, the conference semifinals invaded the frontier fortress on a large scale, and the mature men all took up bows and arrows to fight. Most people near the Great Wall are dead.
Only this man was saved from fighting because of his lame leg, and the father and son were saved.
In the same slot, the fable idiom about Ma 2 implies that Sima Yi and his son will usurp the state power of Wei, generally referring to conspiracy to usurp power.
"The Book of Jin Xuandi Ji": Emperor (Sima Yi) is jealous at home, generous at home and changeable in suspicion. Wei Wu (Cao Cao) found that Emperor Chad was ambitious. He heard that wolves took care of each other. Want to test it. That is, call before and call after, and face forward without moving. I also dreamed that Sanma ate the same food, which was very evil. Because Prince Pi said, "Sima Yi is not a minister, he will predict your family affairs."
According to Xuandi Ji, when Sima Yi was Cao Cao's counselor, Cao Cao found Sima Yi ambitious and worried about him very much. One day, Cao Cao had a dream that three horses were eating in the same trough. When he woke up, he was very unhappy. At first, Cao Cao thought it was Ma Chao's family and killed Ma Chao's father. Sima Yi's father and son happen to be, and the homonym of "Cao" and "Tongcao" doesn't mean that Sima Yi wants to eat Cao Zhi? Cao Cao felt that this was an ominous sign, so he called Prince Cao Pi and said to him, "Sima Yi is not a person who wants to be a minister and will definitely interfere in our internal affairs in the future." But Cao Pi trusted Sima Yi very much and didn't take his father's words to heart. Later, as Cao Cao expected, Sima's father and son not only successfully ruled Cao Wei, but also destroyed Cao Wei and established the Western Jin Dynasty. The first Sanma were Marten, Ma Chao and Ma Dai. The second time was Sima Yi, Sima Shi and Si Mazhao. As the saying goes, everyone knows Si Mazhao's heart.
Fable story about horses 3. The story of this idiom takes place in the Spring and Autumn Period. Qin is very powerful and often bullies weak vassal States. This caused strong dissatisfaction among the vassal States. In 559 BC, Duke Duke Duke of Jin joined forces with other vassal states to attack the State of Qin.
Yan Xun, the general of the state of Jin, commanded the allied governors. He originally estimated that the state of Qin would panic when he learned that the allied governors were coming to attack, and the war was easy to win. I didn't expect the allied forces to have different ambitions, not Qi Xin, and their morale was very low. When Qin learned of these situations, he was not afraid at all, and there was no sign of peace at all. Qin Jun also poisoned many allied soldiers in the upper reaches of Jinghe River.
Seeing this situation, Xun Yan wanted to launch a general attack as soon as possible. He issued an order to the allied generals, saying: As soon as the rooster crows tomorrow morning, we will be ready to set off. All troops will tear down the earthen stoves and fill in the wells for deployment. During the fight, everyone watched my horse's head move, and everyone ran wherever I pointed.
Xunyan's generals listened to him and found him too bossy and disgusting. A general said: the state of Jin has never given such an order. If you want to fight Qin in the west, go by yourself. My horse's head will go east and return to our state of Jin.
The generals of other vassal States all withdrew to their own countries when they saw the generals of Jin State leading troops back to China. The whole army immediately went into chaos without fighting, and Xun Yan saw that it was irreparable, so he had to retreat in a mess.
An extension of idiom stories.
Athena Chu mm m: sh m: u sh zhā n
Source "Zuo Zhuan Xiang Gong Fourteen Years": "Xun Yan ordered:' The cock crow drives away, the well is blocked, and only the remaining horse follows." "
Explain the first one: head; Look: Look forward or up. The horse followed the lead. It was originally said that when fighting, the foot soldiers looked at the horse's head of the Lord. After metaphor obey orders or attached to someone.
Usage is generally used after the words "for" and "one"; "Horsehead" is often preceded by an attribute indicating possession. The first half of "Ma Shou" and prepositions are combined into prepositional phrases; As an adverbial; The second half of "yes" is the predicate.
Synonyms are obedient, follow the trend and follow the trend.
The antonym is cheating on others, falling apart, running in the opposite direction.
You don't have to listen to all of them, just listen to them.
Ma Leader's Comments
I believe that after reading this idiom story, everyone can appreciate the importance of unity! Originally, 8 jin j was a shoo-in, but the morale of the army was unstable, and each had his own ulterior motives and refused to listen to orders. And Qin Jun is precisely understand this, so easily won the victory. This story tells us that if a team does not unite as one, it will be like a loose sand, and the tiger will be easily defeated.
Fable story about horses 4. Horses, dogs and rabbits
In a small mountain village, an old man and an old woman lived. They keep many domestic animals and poultry. Hard-working horses work in the fields with grandpa every day; A loyal dog accompanies his aunt and looks after the house; Grandpa brings back a lot of fresh grass from the field for rabbits to eat every day.
One day, the industrious horse cocked its tail and said contemptuously to the dog and rabbit, "You never help the master to work, but you know that you have nothing to eat at home every day, hum …"
The dog straightened his throat and shouted at the horse, "Why am I useless? I accompany my aunt to see the house every day, don't you see? " Then he turned to the rabbit and muttered, "Rabbits are useless, so they know how to eat."
The rabbit listened to their ridicule, stopped to think for a long time, said nothing, and bowed his head and ate the draft silently.
One day, my aunt suddenly fell ill, very ill. In order to supplement her nutrition, grandpa killed two big rabbits and stewed them for his aunt. Aunt will recover in a few days.
From then on, the horse and dog never said that rabbits were useless.
Fable story about horses 5 There is a young swift horse, waiting for Bole to find it.
The businessman came over and said, would you like to leave home with me?
The horse shook his head and said, I am a swift horse. How can I carry goods for a businessman?
The soldier came over and said, would you like to ride the battlefield with me?
The horse shook his head and said, I am a swift horse. How can I work for an ordinary soldier?
The hunter came and said, would you like to catch prey with me?
The horse shook his head and said, I am a swift horse. How can I be a hunter's coolie?
Day after day, year after year, the horse never found the ideal opportunity.
One day, an imperial envoy was ordered to look for a swift horse among the people. Maxima found an imperial envoy and said, I am the maxima you are looking for!
An imperial envoy asked: Are you familiar with the route of our country? The horse shook its head.
The imperial envoy asked again, have you been to the battlefield and have any combat experience? The horse shook its head.
The imperial envoy said, then what's the use of asking you?
The horse said, I travel thousands of miles every day and 800 miles at night.
The imperial envoy asked it to run for a while.
The horse ran like hell, but after only a few steps, it was panting and sweating.
You're old, no! With that, the imperial envoy turned to leave.
Revelation: Maxima ran out step by step, either self-righteous or self-righteous. Every seemingly ordinary effort we make today is to accumulate energy for our future and lay a foundation for the future! Don't turn today's rejection into tomorrow's regret, and then regret it when you are too old to run!
Education does not represent ability, diploma does not represent culture, and the glory of the past has become history and memory. So, it doesn't matter what happened yesterday, what matters is what you did today and what will happen tomorrow.
The fable about Ma 6 is the first idiom story. During the Three Kingdoms period, Huang Zhong's army came to Dingjun Mountain, and Huang Zhong asked Fazheng to discuss the battle plan for attacking Dingjun Mountain. Fa Zheng pointed to a high mountain in the west of Dingjun Mountain and said, "This mountain is higher than Dingjun Mountain. If you capture it, you can see the situation on Dingjun Mountain and easily win Dingjun Mountain. " Huang Zhong looked up and observed Fan. He attacked in the middle of the night and occupied the mountain. Fa Zheng said, "Old General, please lead your troops halfway up the mountain, and I will watch from the top of the mountain. When Xia's army comes to attack, I will raise the flag. Raise the white flag and the old general will not attack; Raise the red flag and immediately rush down the mountain to fight hard. In this way, we will definitely win. " Huang Zhong totally agrees.
When Xia learned that the opposite mountain had collapsed, he was furious and determined to take it back. Zhang Jaw advised him that this was a plan, and he should stick to it and never go out. However, Xia won't listen. He personally led the army down the mountain, surrounded the mountain, shouted curses and challenged Huang Zhong. Fa raised a white flag at the top of the mountain. Huang Zhong saw it and couldn't get up and down on the mountainside.
In the afternoon, Fazheng found that Wei Jun was tired. He waved the red flag while they were unprepared. After seeing the signal, Huang Zhong launched an attack. With a loud shout ShaSheng, Huang Zhong has rushed to the front of Xia, and Xia Lian's head and shoulders were cut into two sections.
Huang Zhong beheaded Xia and captured Dingjun Mountain, clearing the way for capturing the whole Hanzhong.
An extension of the first idiom story
Athena Chu y and m m: d ā ng xi ā n
Shi Ming Naian's "Water Margin" is quoted 96 times: "Even if the soldiers line up and charge, they will rush down the mountain like the sky were to fall."
Explain the original meaning of riding a horse before a battle. Describe the lead. It is also a metaphor that work is ahead of the masses and actively takes the lead.
Used as predicate, object and adverbial; Finger lead
Synonyms are far ahead, scrambling, leading, leading.
The antonym retreats from difficulties and comes from behind. It is a rising star and slow.
Take the lead in commenting
Take the lead in this idiom story is about always being at the forefront in everything, and it is a symbol of an example. We often say that the first person who eats crabs is the bravest person, so successful people never take shortcuts, but take a difficult road that almost no one else wants to take. Son, when you suffer, you become the master.
Fable story about horses 7 wolves and horses
The wolf passed by a field and saw a lot of barley in the field. Although Huang Chengcheng is very popular, the wolf doesn't eat barley, so he has to go away. Not far away, he met a horse. He led the horse to the field and told him that he was reluctant to eat barley himself, so he kept it for the horse because he liked to hear the wonderful sound of his teeth when he was eating grass.
The horse replied, hey, friend, if you can eat barley, you may not like the sound of me eating grass, regardless of your stomach.
A fable about horses Once upon a time, an old man lived in the border area adjacent to the Hu people. Passers-by all addressed him as Sai Weng. Sai Weng is philosophical by nature and treats people differently.
One day, for some unknown reason, Sai Weng's horse got lost while eating grass and never came back. When the neighbors learned the news, they all expressed regret. However, Sai Weng doesn't care. Instead, he comforted everyone: losing horses is of course a bad thing, but who knows if it will bring good results?
Sure enough, a few months later, the lost old horse ran back from the Great Wall and brought back a good horse rode by the Hu people. So the neighbors got together to congratulate Sai Weng and praised his foresight when he lost his horse. However, at this moment, Sai Weng said with great anxiety, Alas, who knows if this incident will bring me disaster?
Sai Weng's family has added a good horse that the Hu people ride, and his son is very happy, so he rides it every day and enjoys it. Finally, one day, my son got carried away, fell off the galloping horse, injured his leg and was disabled for life. Good neighbors rushed to offer their condolences after hearing the news, but Sai Weng is still an old saying: Who knows if it will bring good results?
Another year passed, and the Hu people invaded the Central Plains on a large scale, and the border situation suddenly became tense. All able-bodied young people were recruited as soldiers, and nine times out of ten they died on the battlefield. Because Sai Weng's son was lame and exempted from military service, his father and son were able to escape the disaster in Where Are You Going?
In the process of being handed down from generation to generation, this story gradually condensed into an idiom: A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. Explain that good and bad in the world are not absolute. Under certain conditions, bad things can have good results, and good things may also have bad results.
A fable about horses 9 There lived an old couple in a small mountain village. They keep many domestic animals and poultry. Hard-working horses work in the fields with grandpa every day; A loyal dog accompanies his aunt and looks after the house; Grandpa brings back a lot of fresh grass from the field for rabbits to eat every day.
One day, the industrious horse cocked its tail and said contemptuously to the dog and rabbit: You never help the master to work, just stay at home and eat and drink for nothing every day, huh? ...
The dog didn't show weakness, and shouted at the horse straight. Why am I useless? I watch the house with my aunt every day, don't you see? Then he turned to the rabbit and muttered, Rabbits are useless, they just know how to eat.
The rabbit listened to their ridicule, stopped to think for a long time, said nothing, and bowed his head and ate the draft silently.
One day, my aunt suddenly fell ill, very ill. In order to supplement her nutrition, grandpa killed two big rabbits and stewed them for his aunt. Aunt will recover in a few days.
From then on, the horse and dog never said that rabbits were useless.
The fable story about horses 10 The idiom story about a colorful dog and horse tells the story of Yang Zhao, the eldest son of Emperor Yang Di, who died in the second year of Daye. At that time, North Korean officials believed that Yang Chang, the second son of Emperor Yang, was of course Chu Jun. As a prince, Yang Chang received a good education since childhood, but his conduct was not as good as his brother Yang Zhao. He is usually arrogant and rude. He is surrounded by a group of dirty little people. Yang Chang often sends people to search for dogs and horses in various ways for his own indulgence.
At that time, there was a boy named Tahiti, and there was a princess king who could sing very well. At that time, dignitaries rushed to invite her to the Huatang banquet, and later she often sang at Yang Chang's house. An empire told the emperor about it, and Yang-ti was very angry. He sent more than 1000 soldiers to search Yang Chang's mansion and severely punished those involved.
After the death of Webster's wife, Yang Chang had an affair with Webster's sister Yuanshi County, and Yuanshi County gave birth to a daughter. Yang Chang secretly called Joe, his cronies, to his home and gave a banquet to celebrate. Joe and others took off Yang Chang's hat and said they would crown him and make Yuanshi County the queen. Later, Emperor Yang-ti knew about it and was very angry. He ordered Joe and others to be put to death. Yuanshi County gave him the death penalty, and Yang Chang's other foxes were also sent into exile.
Emperor Yang Di himself was dissolute, his son was so disappointing, and his internal and external policies were improper, so the rule of the Sui Dynasty was declared dead less than 40 years later.
Extension of Idiom Story of Color Dog and Color Horse
Athena Chu shē ng sè g m: u m m:?
Source Song "Longchuan Biezhi" Volume: "Man is the master of youth, so it is difficult to know the four directions. Otherwise, if you are bloody and don't pay attention to the sound of dogs and horses, you will do things like civil engineering, armored soldiers and prayer temples. "
Interpretation refers to all indoor and outdoor entertainment activities. Refers to giving up the pursuit of the inner spiritual world and pursuing external entertainment activities. "Sound" and "dog and horse" all refer to things themselves, which have their own characteristics and tools.
Usage combination; As subject, object and attribute; derogatory sense
Synonyms are smeared, smeared and degraded.
Antonym names go down in history and are immortal.
Comments on colored dogs and horses
Some people always feel that life is boring, in fact, it is because they are poor at heart. If a person has a gorgeous appearance, we will call such a person a vase, which has no value except for viewing. This idiom tells us that inner enrichment is the real charm, so we must read more books, and there must always be a body and soul on the road!
The fable about horses 1 1 At present, there is no textual research on the origin of "Year of the Monkey and the Month of the Horse". However, some people say that most of the meaning of this word comes from the spread of dialects. The most popular saying is that "Year of the Monkey and Horse Month" is a homophonic variant of "Year and Month" in Tianjin.
Speaking of the Year of the Monkey, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. This word usually means that something can't be achieved in a short time, and it must take unpredictable time to achieve it. In this case, everyone will use this word. Is the true meaning of the monkey year, horse month, really the meaning of the distant future? Not exactly.
In fact, the word "Year of the Monkey and Horse Month" comes from the year and month of the China lunar calendar. In the ancient calendar of China, there is the saying of heavenly stems and earthly branches, and there are ten heavenly stems, namely, A, B, D, E, G, N, N; There are twelve earthly branches, namely Zi Chou and Wei Haiwu. The single match of heaven and earth, double match, just forms 60 pairs, such as Jiazi and Yihai.
You can understand the Year of the Monkey in the "Year of the Monkey" which circulates once every twelve years. What month does Ma Yue mean? In the ancient calendar of our country, the chronology of cadres and branches originated from the era of "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" of the Yellow Emperor, which was constantly developed and perfected in practice, and was widely used in the Shang Dynasty, which began with the first day of the eleventh lunar month.
The solstice in winter happens in the middle of November of the lunar calendar, which is called the sub-month (rat month) in the lunar calendar, and it goes down in turn. The month from the summer solstice (that is, May of the lunar calendar) happens to be the afternoon month, that is, the horse month, and the lunar calendar is fixed. To be exact, it is the afternoon (horse month) between the planting of a year and the summer solar terms, which is basically located in May of the lunar calendar and June of the solar calendar. Therefore, the Year of the Monkey circulates once every twelve years, and the June of the solar calendar is also a horse month, which is the real "Year of the Monkey and Horse Month"! For example, the last month of the Year of the Monkey is June 5 to July 6, 20xx, and the next month of the Year of the Monkey is June 5 to July 6, 20xx!
According to the main branch of the lunar calendar, the Year of the Monkey is a period of 12, and the month of the horse is also a period of 12. There must be a horse month every year in the Year of the Monkey, and the period of the Year of the Monkey is 12. The year 20xx (Shen Jianian in the lunar calendar) happens to be the Year of the Monkey. June 18 to July 16 is the May of the lunar calendar, that is, Geng Wuyue, which happens to be the "horse month" of the Year of the Monkey. The next "Year of the Monkey" is from June 5th to July 3rd, 20xx.
In fact, there is a horse month every year, and the corresponding zodiac signs from the first lunar month to the twelfth lunar month are: tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig, mouse and cow.
According to the main branch of the lunar calendar, the Year of the Monkey is a period of 12, and the month of the horse is also a period of 12. There must be a horse month every year in the Year of the Monkey, and the period of the Year of the Monkey is 12. This year coincides with the Year of the Monkey, and Ma Yue is the fifth month of the lunar calendar.
A fable about horses 12 The donkey and the horse live in a barn, but the donkey is very dissatisfied with the horse. As long as their owners add food to their troughs and leaves, donkeys always like to complain about horses:
"Oh, God is so unfair! My donkey does no less work than you, but the food is not as delicious as yours. The ingredients added by the host in your trough are thin and delicious. Look what's in my trough. A pile of hay. I am so unfortunate! "
The horse wagged its tail and said quietly, "Brother Donkey, stop complaining. Look at the work I do every day-transporting wood, pulling bricks and carrying people long distances. These jobs are very tiring, and I can only be energetic if I eat well. "
The donkey still shook his head discontentedly and said, "You mean I do less work than you? Aren't I the tired and dirty one and no one wants to do the work of transporting and grinding food? " The donkey is still sighing and complaining about God's injustice.
A few days later, the war broke out. Due to the shortage of war horses, the state expropriated the master's horses The soldiers rode the horse on the battlefield. In a fierce battle, the horse was seriously injured and died in a pool of blood.
The donkey who was still eating hay in the barn heard that the horse died on the battlefield and sighed and said, "It seems that God is fair and the horse is unfortunate."
The fable about horses 13 with pictures.
Sun Yang had a son who read the "Xiangma Jing" written by his father. He thought it was easy to kiss up to horses, so he took this book and looked for good horses everywhere. He followed the pattern drawn in the book and found nothing. I searched according to the characteristics written in the book, and finally found a toad with characteristics very similar to those written in the book. I happily took toad home and said to my father, "Dad, I found a swift horse, but the hoof was almost the same." Father couldn't help laughing when he saw it. He didn't expect his son to be so stupid, so he said humorously, "It's a pity that Matthew likes to jump and can't be used to pull a cart." Then he sighed: "Follow the map."
The fable about horses 14 since the split of heaven in ancient times and before the world was culturally bright, the creator in the sky first created horses, mules and other creatures. Horses and mules are very clever. They became the first masters to rule the world, and made a promise before the gods: to help the residents together.
After becoming a master, the mule thought, "I am already the master of the world and can live a royal life every day." I don't have to care about other people's lives and destinies at all. I just use my life. "
At the same time, the horse thought, "Although I am already the master of the world, I still have my promise unfinished before the gods, so I can't be too proud." I want to help others and make them live happily! "
Mules put on airs every day and play on the earth, completely ignoring others and thinking only of themselves. While Ma advised him not to listen, he always felt that he was rich and others could not control him. In order to realize his promise to himself, Ma helps others every day and realizes his ideal, which is deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.
One day, the creator made some clay sculptures of human bodies and gave them vitality. In this way, mankind came to this world.
Mules and horses are about to step down because the gods have seen what mules and horses have done. So, he cast a spell to make the bad-tempered mule ugly, and the horse's behavior moved people, became the god in people's hearts and lived happily.
The mule who lived a "happy" life still doesn't know why he became a vulgar porter. Moreover, people often use Malay to describe lofty ideals and immediate success. The deceitful horse has long known that the original good brother has become like this. Why on earth?
A fable about horses: horses and donkeys.
There is a story that a master has a swift horse and a donkey. Both of them work for their masters: donkeys pull the mill and horses carry their masters around. However, donkeys are often humiliated by horses.
Eating and eating, the horse insulted the donkey for the ninety-ninth time and said, "worthless fellow, walking around the stone mill all day." Walking around blindfolded. What's the point of living like this? It's better to die early and lick gum! "
The donkey couldn't stand the horse's insult any longer and ran away crying. The next day, the owner found the donkey missing, so he put the horse in the mill.
Ma said, "I aim for a thousand miles." How can I sharpen your point? "
"But I want to eat noodles! Without donkeys, you can't eat wheat! " As he spoke, the owner covered the horse's eyes with a cloth and gave it a heavy pat on the hip.
The horse circled the mill helplessly like a donkey.
After only one day of grinding, the horse felt dizzy and sore all over. It rolled on the ground, took a long breath and said, "Alas! I didn't expect the donkey to finish the job easily! When you comment on others in the future, you must try to change to its position first. "
Horses do the work of horses and donkeys do the work of donkeys. Clear division of labor, each with its own strengths. It happened that the horse was a good thing, which made the donkey angry. It is only after suffering that we know that the role of donkeys is also indispensable.
Fable: The feeling of being valued is one of the most important motivating factors in people's work. Although the division of labor within the enterprise is light and heavy, on the whole, every post is necessary. You must understand that without everyone's cooperation, even the perfect plan is empty. Therefore, mutual respect and trust are the basis of building an efficient team.