What did the mechanic shout when DNF detonated? Under the guidance of which prawn, kneel down and beg! !
Fire is ammunition. All right. Don't answer such questions until after Level 6-that means firing, igniting, and it's not firing, it's burning, and you detonate and shout at your machine to fire. . . You shot him when he was gundam. . . . . . Being quick is mechanical-it means detonating, and when you release the machine, it means running the robot quickly-not going down. . . . But to be honest, let the machine detonate you to ignite, you should be a rocket or a missile. . . By the way, the airdrop is sir, in the pipeline! Five times five! It's all from starcraft. This is the mantra of the US Air Force. Don't translate this sentence. Translation is crazy. . . . All professional skills are pure and authentic American English-for our country, which grew up listening to British English, it is a little different-there is no way.