Find this part:
& lt transport connector & gt
& lttransport connector name = " open wire " uri = " TCP://0 . 0 . 0 . 0:6 16 16 " >
& lt/transport connectors & gt;
6 16 16 is the default port. Just change 6 16 16 to the port you want.
ActiveMQ port number setting and WEB port number setting in Linux environment
1. Set the activemq port number, and 8 102 is the port to be modified.
Note: This is the port number set for connecting to tomcat.
vi /activemq/conf/activemq.xml
& lt transport connector & gt
& lttransport connector name = " open wire " uri = " TCP://0 . 0 . 0 . 0:8 102 "/& gt;
& lt/transport connectors & gt;
2. Set the Jetty access port number of activemq's WEB platform. The following 9 10 1 is the port number to be accessed.
vi /activemq/conf/activemq.xml
& ltproperty name="connectors " >
& lt list & gt
& ltbean id = " Connector " class = " org . eclipse . jetty . server . nio . selectchannelconnector " & gt;
& ltproperty name = " port " value = " 9 10 1 "/>
& lt/bean & gt;
& lt/list & gt;
& lt/property & gt;